
По .яз.: write the answers . how many seasons are there in a year? how many months are there in the year? which month is before january? which month is after july? what's your favourite month? what day is it today? what day was it yesterday? where were you at twelve o'clock on sunday?

Английский язык


1. four
7.At home
На английском языке Перевод на русский язык My Room Моя комната We live in a three-room flat. The first room is my parents’ bedroom, the second is a hall for guests, and the third is my bedroom. My favourite room is, of course, my bedroom. I spend most of my time there as it’s not only a bedroom but also a study. My room is very nice and cozy. I can’t say it’s spacious enough but I have everything I need there. There isn’t much furniture, only necessary things. For more convenience it’s built-in. My bed is situated in the left corner of the room, and my desk is in the right. Beside my bed there is a stylish lamp and a comfortable armchair with some stuffed animals on it. When it’s rainy weather outside, I like to turn on my lamp, sit in the armchair and read interesting books. As for the desk, it contains numerous drawers where I can keep my pens, pencils, markers, text-books, exercise books, notes, diaries and else. There are also some shelves with books in my room. I have a large collection of Russian and English books. There are some posters with my favourite quotations and music bands on the walls. They set a special atmosphere in my room. I like my room a lot. It’s the place where I feel fine. When my friends come over, I invite them into my room. It’s a suitable place both for work and for rest. Мы живём в трёхкомнатной квартире. Первая комната – это спальня моих родителей, вторая – зал для гостей, и третья – моя спальня. Моя любимая комната, конечно же, моя спальня. Я провожу большую часть своего времени там, так как это не только спальня, но и рабочий кабинет. Моя комната очень приятная и уютная. Не могу сказать, что она достаточно просторная, но там есть всё, что мне нужно. Так немного мебели, только всё самое необходимое. Для большего удобства она встроенная. Моя кровать расположена в левом углу комнаты, а парта в правом. Рядом с моей кроватью есть стильная лампа и комфортное кресло, на котором несколько мягких игрушек. Когда на улице дождливая погода, мне нравится включать лампу, садиться в кресло и читать интересные книги. Что касается рабочего стола, то в нём множество ящиков, где я могу хранить свои ручки, карандаши, маркеры, учебники, рабочие тетради, записи, дневники и прочее. В моей комнате есть также несколько книжных полочек. У меня большая коллекция русских и английских книг. На стенах есть несколько плакатов с моими любимыми высказываниями и музыкальными группами. Они придают моей комнате особую атмосферу. Я очень люблю свою комнату. Это то место, где я чувствую себя отлично. Когда приходят в гости мои друзья, я приглашаю их в свою комнату. Это подходящее место, как для работы, так и для отдыха.

Victims of the "Great Depression"
While all leaves traces. The lives of Bonnie and Clyde, it left a print of the myth. And many stories, true and not quite give the robbers glamor outstanding personalities that challenge "unfair" to the authorities. In practice a romp across America in the early 30's Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow were just ruthless killers. Even the right to be called the Great gangsters they deserve, because robbed, basically, gas stations, grocery stores and food outlets in small towns. But unjustified cruelty and reckless audacity with which to raid, made them truly legendary. Uneducated, devoid of compassion, Bonnie and Clyde, the terror of the state of Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma. Barrow gangster clan, which included, among others, and brother Clyde Buck, terrorized businessmen and farmers. As historians say, both are victims of the "Great Depression" that hit the United States. But here is what connects the Bonnie and Clyde, is still a mystery to many. Homosexual and a great lover of men became inseparable pair, never betray each other. It was like a surrogate love, focused on the violence and the suffering of the victims.

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По .яз.: write the answers . how many seasons are there in a year? how many months are there in the year? which month is before january? which month is after july? what's your favourite month? what day is it today? what day was it yesterday? where were you at twelve o'clock on sunday?
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