Альберт Луиза1595

99 кто владеет хорошо языком. мне нужно перевести данный текст. но! не с переводчика, т.к. он ничем хорошим не , через переводчик и я могу перевести, но он переводит не то что нужно) моя мама состояла в организации пионерского движения. пионерское движение создавалось для воспитания детей в качестве граждан, полностью преданных коммунистической партии и своему государству. они всегда ездили отдыхать летом в пионерский лагерь, где учились чему-то новому. пионерское движение существовало во время , в эту организацию входили лучшие дети всего , возрастом примерно от десяти до четырнадцати лет.

Английский язык


My mother was a member of the Pioneer organisation. The Pioneer Movement was organised to educate children be citisens, devoted to the communist party and to their state. They always went to the pioneer camp in summer where they learned something new. The pioneer movement existed during the USSR and the best children aged from 10 to 14 were the members of this organisation
My mum was a member of the Pioner movement. Pioner movement was created to aducate children as citizens, fully devoted to the comunist party and their country( или state). They always went to relax in the summer to the pioner camp where they studied something new. Pioner movement existed during the USSR. This organisation consisted of best children from the whole USSR aged from ten to fourteen years old.

The English like what they call good plain food. They must be able to recognize what they are eating. Usually they like fish and chips, roast beef, Yorkshire pudding and beef steak.

Afternoon tea is taken at about 5 o’clock, but it can hardly be called a meal. It is a cup of tea and cake or biscuits. At the weekends afternoon tea is a special occasion. Friends and visitors are often invited to have a chat over a cup of tea.

Dinner is the most substantial meal of the day. It is usually eaten at 7 o’clock. The first course may be soup though the English don’t like it very much. The main course will often be fish or meat, perhaps the traditional roast beef of old England, and a lot of vegetables. The next course will be something sweet and often cooked, such as a fruit pie. Last of all there may be cheese, often with biscuits.

It is common knowledge that the English are very fond of tea. They like to have ‘a nice cup of tea’ 6 or 8 times a day, sometimes even more.

On Christmas Day a roast turkey is traditionally cooked for dinner. It is usually followed by Christmas. Long before Christmas housewives begin to plan what cake to make for Christmas. Usually they make fantastic Christmas cakes.


1)Which programme is Steven going to watch tonight?

ответ: Try This

2)Which programme did he want to watch?

ответ: Kick Start

3)What was last week’s programme about?

ответ: Climbing

4)When does the programme begin? At … .

ответ: 7.15 p.m.

5)How long does the programme last? About … .

ответ: 30 minutes

6)Which project can the programme help with?

ответ: Art project

7)When must the project be ready? On … .

ответ: 28 March

8)What does the teacher want to do with the best project?

ответ: Display it to other pupils

9)Where does the teacher want to put the best work? In the school … .

ответ: computer room

10)Which place does the boy like better? The … .

ответ: hall

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99 кто владеет хорошо языком. мне нужно перевести данный текст. но! не с переводчика, т.к. он ничем хорошим не , через переводчик и я могу перевести, но он переводит не то что нужно) моя мама состояла в организации пионерского движения. пионерское движение создавалось для воспитания детей в качестве граждан, полностью преданных коммунистической партии и своему государству. они всегда ездили отдыхать летом в пионерский лагерь, где учились чему-то новому. пионерское движение существовало во время , в эту организацию входили лучшие дети всего , возрастом примерно от десяти до четырнадцати лет.
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