
Переведите obesity (being overweight) and physical inactivity are known from ancient time, . they are joined by the modern bad habits: smoking and drinking too much alcohol, and the surprising 'danger' of sleeping too much or too little, watching tv a lot, eating between meals and skipping meals. these poor health habits could lead to different diseases. of course sleeping too much or too little, snacking and skipping meals are not quite as dangerous as smoking, obesity and drinking, but they are signs of dangerously chaotic lifestyles. regularity in life promotes your health. sleeping seven or eight hours, getting up early, having a healthy diet, eating a variety of foods, taking regular exercise is really a good way to live.

Английский язык


Ожирение (избыточный вес) и малоподвижный образ жизни известен с древних времен ,. Они присоединили современные вредные привычки: курение и употребление слишком много алкоголя, и удивительно опасно спать слишком много или слишком мало, много смотреть телевизор, есть между приемами пищи и пропускать приемы пищи. Эти плохие привычки для здоровья может привести к различным заболеваниям. Конечно спать слишком много или слишком мало, перекусывать и пропускать приемы пищи не столь опасно, как курение, и питье, но они являются признаками опасно беспорядочный образ жизни. Регулярность в жизни вашему здоровью. Спать семь или восемь часов, рано вставать, имея здоровую диету, есть разнообразную пищу, регулярно заниматься физическими упражнениями действительно хороший жизни

1. If I want see  you tomorrow, I will phone you. 
2. When I came back home tonight, I took a shower. 
3. Take an umbrella in case it rains. 
4. Be careful! If you wan't be careful, you'll fall. 
5. We will not start dinner until all our friends arrives. 
6. Your father will help you, as soon as he will have time. 
7. I will lend you the money on condition that you will  return it to me next week. 
8. I'm going to work in the garden this afternoon unless it  will be too cold.
9. My sister wants to live in our house while we will be away on holiday. 
10. If it will be hot in the afternoon, we will go to the beach. 
11. Will you go to the party if they will invite you? 
12. I told  him the news when I was him.

      I will tell  him the news when I will see him.

Моя точка зору щодо домашніх обов'язків така: я повинна привчатися бути акуратною і працьовитою, виконуючи якісь домашні справи, я вчуся планування, вчуся ставити перед собою цілі і виробляти певні навички, які допомагають досягненню цих цілей. Через якийсь час я розумію, що речі, покладені на місце, істотно економлять час, що витрачається на їх пошуки. Домашня робота вчить мене самодисципліни. Виконуючи домашні справи, я вчуся створювати собі робочий настрій, натхнення, організовування.
My point of view on domestic responsibilities as follows: I must get used to be neat and hardworking, doing some household chores, I'm planning, learning to set goals and develop certain skills that help achieve these goals. After a while I realize that things are put in place, significantly saving the time spent on their quest. Homework teaches a child self-discipline. Doing household chores, the child learns to create a working mood, inspiration, organized.

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Переведите obesity (being overweight) and physical inactivity are known from ancient time, . they are joined by the modern bad habits: smoking and drinking too much alcohol, and the surprising 'danger' of sleeping too much or too little, watching tv a lot, eating between meals and skipping meals. these poor health habits could lead to different diseases. of course sleeping too much or too little, snacking and skipping meals are not quite as dangerous as smoking, obesity and drinking, but they are signs of dangerously chaotic lifestyles. regularity in life promotes your health. sleeping seven or eight hours, getting up early, having a healthy diet, eating a variety of foods, taking regular exercise is really a good way to live.
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