
Зо написать на языке почему фаст-фут полезный

Английский язык


If possible, products from a fast food restaurant should be avoided. In principle, any good should not expect this quality of food, in addition to the fact that fast food is very heavy and fatty foods, so also the quality of its preparation often leaves much to be desired.
Fast food edaTem However, there are situations where there is an option either to starve or consume something from a fast food. Of course, fasting, especially during exercise, it is not desirable, so it is worth to go to a coffee shop and choose the kind of middle ground, combining the most useful and delicious food. No need to get lost in the cafe and ordered some vegetables, even in fast food have dishes that can be eaten without fear for health and diet.
When we eat fast food we learn a lot of new flavors and develop, enjoy.Fast food is the best food!But as I particularly like burgers and fries!
На английском языкеПеревод на русский языкFast FoodФаст фудModern life runs so quickly that people often don’t have enough time to eat. And most certainly they get little time for cooking. Lots of people think that fast food is the best solution in this situation. That’s why fast-food chains have become so popular. They provide simple menus, which usually contain French fries, hamburgers, sandwiches, salads, milk cocktails, brownies and else. Perhaps the most famous fast-food chain is McDonalds. This place is rather popular among children and grown-ups. People like having food which is cooked beforehand and served quickly. However, doctors all over the world find fast food rather unhealthy. They say that fast food contains many calories, lots of fat and just a few vitamins. They also say that eating fast food every day leads to overweight and stomach problems. Luckily, people today are more health-conscious than before and they realize that eating lots of fast food can be dangerous. The question about fast food always brings up many opinions. Some people state that it’s not bad at all. Usually those people have lots of work to do during weekdays and fast food is a good idea for lunch. Children are also among those who like fast-food chains. They especially like getting toys with their meal. McDonalds was the first restaurant to use this strategy. Others avoid eating fast food because it can lead to the following health problems: high blood pressure, heart diseases and obesity. In conclusion, I’d like to say that everyone has a choice. I choose fresh fruit and vegetables. That’s why when I’m at a fast-food restaurant I order a salad and an orange juice.
Современная жизнь протекает так быстро, что людям часто не хватает времени, чтобы поесть. И, безусловно, у них мало времени для приготовления пищи. Многие люди думают, что фаст фуд является лучшим решением в такой ситуации. Вот почему сети быстрого питания стали столь популярны. Они предоставляют простое меню, которое обычно содержит картофель фри, гамбургеры, бутерброды, салаты, молочные коктейли, пирожные и т.д самой известной сетью ресторанов быстрого питания является Макдоналдс. Это место довольно популярно как среди детей, так и среди взрослых. Людям нравится еда, которая готовится заранее и подается быстро. Тем не менее, врачи во всем мире считают фаст фуд нездоровой пищей. Они говорят, что фаст фуд содержит много калорий, много жира и очень мало витаминов. Они также говорят, что ежедневное употребление фаст фуда приводит к избыточному весу и проблемам с желудком. К счастью, люди сегодня больше заботятся о своем здоровье, чем раньше, и они понимают, что употребление фаст фуда в больших количествах может быть опасным. На вопрос о фаст фуде всегда возникает множество мнений. Некоторые люди заявляют, что это вообще неплохо. Обычно у этих людей много работы в будние дни и фаст фуд является хорошей идеей для обеда. Дети также относятся к тем, кто любит фаст-фуд сети. Им особенно нравится получать игрушки вместе с едой. Макдоналдс был первым рестораном, который использовал эту стратегию. Другие избегают фаст фуд, потому что это может привести к следующим проблемам со здоровьем: высокому кровяному давлению, заболеваниям сердца и ожирению. В заключение я хотела бы сказать, что у каждого есть выбор. Я выбираю свежие фрукты и овощи. Вот почему, когда я бываю в ресторане быстрого питания, я заказываю салат и апельсиновый сок.
1) Unknown elect
     Marriage of parents of Lermontov of rich successor M. M. Arsenyeva (1795-1817) and army captain Yu. P. Lermontov (1773-1831) was unsuccessful. The early death of mother and quarrel of the father with grandmother E.A.Arsenyeva hard affected formation of the identity of the poet. Lermontov was brought up at the grandmother in Tarkhana's manor of the Penza province; I got an excellent house education (foreign languages, drawing, music). The romantic cult of the father and the corresponding treatment of the family conflict were reflected later in dramas Menschen und Leidenschaften ("People and passions", 1830), "The strange person" (1831). Are significant for Lermontov's formation and the legend about the legendary founder of his sort the Scottish poet Thomas Lermonte. Trips belong to strong impressions of the childhood to the Caucasus (1820, 1825). With 1827 Lermontov lives in Moscow. It is trained in the Moscow university noble board (September 1828 March, 1830), is later at the Moscow university (September 1830 June, 1832) on moral and political, then verbal office. Lermontov's early poetic attempts testify to hazardous and unsystematic reading preromantic and romantic literature: along with J. G. Byron and A.S. Pushkin for him F.Schiller, V. Hugo, K.N. Batyushkov, philosophical lyrics любомудров are important; in verses the mass of the borrowed lines (fragments) from compositions of the most different authors from M.V.Lomonosova to modern to it poets. Without thinking of itself the professional writer and without seeking to be printed, Lermontov keeps the undercover lyrical diary where strangers, sometimes contrast formulas serve as expression of the intimate truth about the great and not understood soul. Endured in E.A.Sushkova, N.F.Ivanova's 1830-32 hobbies, Century. And. Lopukhina become a material for the corresponding liriko-confessionary cycles where the eternal, tragic conflict is behind concrete circumstances. At the same time there is a work on romantic poems from frankly imitative "Circassians" (1828) to quite professional "Izmail-beya" and "Litvinki" (both 1832), testifying to assimilation of a genre (bayronovsko-Pushkin) canon by Lermontov (exclusiveness of the main character, composition "vershinnost" ", an innuendo" a plot, exotic or historical color). By the beginning of the 1830th the "main" heroes of poetic system of Lermontov, correlated to two different vital and creative strategy, with two treatments of own personality are found: the fallen spirit which consciously damned the world and has chosen the evil (the first edition of the poem "Demon", 1829), and innocent, pure soul the sufferer dreaming of freedom and natural harmony (the poem "Confession", 1831, been a poem "Mtsyri" prototype). Contrast of these treatments doesn't exclude the internal relationship providing an intense antitetichnost of characters of all main lermontovsky characters and complexity of an author's assessment.                                             2) подели на 18 и 14 так надо читать во втором на 18 и 41 и так всегда  

1 . — Who is this guy?" - This Is Dima. He's my friend. 2. — What does he do?" (Who is he?)- He is a student. 3. — Who are these people?" — They're our neighbors. — What do they do?" (Who are they?)- They are employees. 4. — Whose folder is this?" "It's mine. 5. — What kind of work is this?" — It's not bad. 6. — How old is your wife?" How old are your children? — You're not an inspector, are you?" 7. There are a lot of good traditions in England, aren't there? 8. — What kind of movie is this?" "It's a Comedy. 9. — Which of these disks is yours?" — They're all mine. 10. — How are you?" How's life? How are your parents? — I'm fine, thank you. 11. — Why are you so sad?" What's the matter? — I'm just hungry and sleepy." 12. — When is your birthday? "It's a secret. 13. "Am I right or wrong?" "It's hard to say. 14. — Where are the students?" Where is the teacher? "They're in the hall. There's a concert. 15. It's not a good idea, is it? 16. —

Why are you here? — I'm the new Secretary. What are my responsibilities? 17. — What kind of man is he?" — He's an honest man, and he's obsessed with work. 18. You're not mad at us, are you? 19. — He's not a gangster, is he?" — Of course not. 20. — Are you a book lover?" — Yes, and I'm a great traveler. 21. Why is it always like this? I'm so unlucky. 22. Who says life is boring? Not me!


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