1 . — Who is this guy?" - This Is Dima. He's my friend. 2. — What does he do?" (Who is he?)- He is a student. 3. — Who are these people?" — They're our neighbors. — What do they do?" (Who are they?)- They are employees. 4. — Whose folder is this?" "It's mine. 5. — What kind of work is this?" — It's not bad. 6. — How old is your wife?" How old are your children? — You're not an inspector, are you?" 7. There are a lot of good traditions in England, aren't there? 8. — What kind of movie is this?" "It's a Comedy. 9. — Which of these disks is yours?" — They're all mine. 10. — How are you?" How's life? How are your parents? — I'm fine, thank you. 11. — Why are you so sad?" What's the matter? — I'm just hungry and sleepy." 12. — When is your birthday? "It's a secret. 13. "Am I right or wrong?" "It's hard to say. 14. — Where are the students?" Where is the teacher? "They're in the hall. There's a concert. 15. It's not a good idea, is it? 16. —
Why are you here? — I'm the new Secretary. What are my responsibilities? 17. — What kind of man is he?" — He's an honest man, and he's obsessed with work. 18. You're not mad at us, are you? 19. — He's not a gangster, is he?" — Of course not. 20. — Are you a book lover?" — Yes, and I'm a great traveler. 21. Why is it always like this? I'm so unlucky. 22. Who says life is boring? Not me!
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Зо написать на языке почему фаст-фут полезный
Fast food edaTem However, there are situations where there is an option either to starve or consume something from a fast food. Of course, fasting, especially during exercise, it is not desirable, so it is worth to go to a coffee shop and choose the kind of middle ground, combining the most useful and delicious food. No need to get lost in the cafe and ordered some vegetables, even in fast food have dishes that can be eaten without fear for health and diet.
When we eat fast food we learn a lot of new flavors and develop, enjoy.Fast food is the best food!But as I particularly like burgers and fries!