Hello, dear friend! I am writing to you as agreed. I'm sorry, so long collected his thoughts, there was no time. And news of interest is not so much. I wanted to tell you something unusual, exciting, so writing a letter was postponed and postponed. But as time goes on, and you're probably very expect news from me, I will talk about their daily lives. At school, things are going well, we can say excellent. If last year there were problems with physics and chemistry, in this I was able to significantly improve their grades. I try to engage yourself more - read, solve puzzles, sometimes watch educational programs and movies. When something does not understand, I ask an older brother to explain and listen carefully. The most interesting thing that I really started to like these things that used to seem boring and difficult. It's great. Relationship in the classroom remarkable. Teachers often praised us for what we are friendly and give it to others as an example. All school activities we have proved from the best party. Especially memorable New Year's masquerade ball. All our guys have agreed not to buy suits, and sew them yourself, it is so interesting and immediately clear who and how much effort spent on creating attire. It was very unusual and colorful. I send you some pictures, I hope they will be able to convey the atmosphere of the holiday.
На : хобби у подростков в нашей стране совершенно разные кто-то занимается спортом кто-то танцами.ну и тому подобное. но больше всего времени подростки проводят за компьютерами и телефонами. ну например мои одноклассники ходят кто то на рисование,кто-то на теннис,кто-то на танцы. мое хобби это аниме. смотря аниме я все больше узнаю о мире.например в аниме "атака титанов" или "хвост феи"может аниме это все лишь и японские произведение но я узнаю много нового,много того что я не знала. на : hobbies adolescents in our country are quite different someone engaged in sports someone tantsami.nu and the like. but most of the time young people spend on the computers and phones. well, like my classmates go to someone drawing, someone at tennis, someone dancing. my hobby is anime. watching anime i learn more about mire.naprimer anime "attack on titan" or "fairy tail" maybe it's just an anime and japanese work but i learned a lot, a lot of what i did not know
У каждого человека есть хобби и немного свободного времени для того, чтобы делать то, что мы любим больше всего. У меня также есть хобби. И поскольку я ученица, у меня нет много времени в учебные дни. При том, я учусь в Российской школе, поэтому выходной день у меня только один - воскресенье.
Летом я не сижу много времени зам компьютером, а прекрасно провожу его на свежем воздухе. Но осенью, зимой и весной я вынуждена больше сидеть перед монитором, поскольку у нас есть уроки, которые можно сделать только
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I am writing to you as agreed. I'm sorry, so long collected his thoughts, there was no time. And news of interest is not so much. I wanted to tell you something unusual, exciting, so writing a letter was postponed and postponed. But as time goes on, and you're probably very expect news from me, I will talk about their daily lives.
At school, things are going well, we can say excellent. If last year there were problems with physics and chemistry, in this I was able to significantly improve their grades. I try to engage yourself more - read, solve puzzles, sometimes watch educational programs and movies. When something does not understand, I ask an older brother to explain and listen carefully. The most interesting thing that I really started to like these things that used to seem boring and difficult. It's great.
Relationship in the classroom remarkable. Teachers often praised us for what we are friendly and give it to others as an example. All school activities we have proved from the best party. Especially memorable New Year's masquerade ball. All our guys have agreed not to buy suits, and sew them yourself, it is so interesting and immediately clear who and how much effort spent on creating attire. It was very unusual and colorful. I send you some pictures, I hope they will be able to convey the atmosphere of the holiday.