Fur seals belong to the group known as the Otarid or "eared" seals, this group contains fur seals and sea-lions that have a visible earflap.Antarctic fur seals are more accurately called "Southern fur seals". In appearance and manner they resemble a large dog (albeit a funny shaped one). They are able to bring their rear flippers under their body and take the weight of their body on their fore-flippers and so are much more agile on land compared to others such as elephant, weddell and crabeater seals. The males can reach 200kg (440lb) and can be up to 4 times larger than the females. They are restricted mainly to the sub-Antarctic islands, with 95% of the worlds population being found on the island of South Georgia.
Морские котики относятся к группе, известной как Otarid или "ушастый" уплотнители, эта группа содержит морские котики и морские львы, которые имеют видимые мочка уха.Антарктические морские котики более точно называют "Южные морские котики". По внешнему виду и манере они напоминают крупную собаку (пусть и смешной форме). Они принести свои задние ласты под тело и взять вес своего тела на своих передних ластах и так гораздо ловчее на суше по сравнению с другими, такими как слон, тюлени уэдделла, тюлень-крабоед. Самцы могут достигать 200кг (440lb) и может быть до 4 раз больше, чем самок. Они ограничиваются, в основном, на субантарктических островах, с 95% населения мира, находясь на острове Южная Георгия.
New year - a favorite holiday for children and adults. All the people are waiting for surprises and gifts. Kids give a new toy. Parents buy a Christmas tree, decorated with her toys. On the tree glittering balls, garlands, stars, rain and tinsel. Students are satisfied with the carnival. All dress up in costumes of fairy-tale heroes. Everyone wishes of friends and relatives with the holiday and wishes you happiness. When the clock strikes 12 times, people make wishes. Champagne and tangerines always have On new year's table.
Иосиф Сталин .ты тут сам выбери. On the eve of this landmark event, I would like to recall a person who entered the world history as a warrior of the winner of the brown plague, the creator and organizer of the world's first state of workers and peasants. About Stalin created countless works of literature, painting, art. I also want to dedicate a few lines to this amazingly humane person. Today, when his brainchild of the USSR is destroyed by a nomenklatura pack of thieves and traitors, and the Soviet people are almost completely physically destroyed, I would like to recall the last deeds and the last thoughts of the great Leader and Teacher of all times and all peoples! Partosnomenclamklatura-managers as a cancerous tumor in a people's state suffocates him, does not give a sigh full breast. Their swagger, gentility, nepotism and double-dealing have often been stigmatized by Stalin from the stands of congresses and conferences. However, in place of other thieves and crooks, other scammers made their way to the top, turning the great idea into an opportunity for personal enrichment and fornication. Realizing that this problem is not one-time and has a systematic character, Stalin begins to seek a solution to the problem that has arisen. In November 1947 on the instructions of I.V. Stalin established a commission to streamline and limit the issuance of free rations for food and manufactured goods to senior officials. On December 9, 1947, salaries were established for the Chairman of the Armed Forces and the SM for 10,000 rubles (which amounted to about twelve average salaries), the deputies and secretaries of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) - 8,000. Moreover, on December 29, 1947, Industrial goods through a closed network for members and candidates for membership of the BOP, secretaries of the Central Committee and other responsible workers. It was Stalin who began the struggle with special forces, who fulfilled their role during the war, but only corrupted and disunited the people in peaceful construction. 1951g. Right from the new year Stalin demands reduction of the nomenclatural expenses, and begins with himself. Suggests to cut all government security and maintenance staff by 70% and gives an order to cut back payments to the top party nomenclature from twenty-five thousand rubles to eight thousand.
The males can reach 200kg (440lb) and can be up to 4 times larger than the females. They are restricted mainly to the sub-Antarctic islands, with 95% of the worlds population being found on the island of South Georgia.
Морские котики относятся к группе, известной как Otarid или "ушастый" уплотнители, эта группа содержит морские котики и морские львы, которые имеют видимые мочка уха.Антарктические морские котики более точно называют "Южные морские котики". По внешнему виду и манере они напоминают крупную собаку (пусть и смешной форме). Они принести свои задние ласты под тело и взять вес своего тела на своих передних ластах и так гораздо ловчее на суше по сравнению с другими, такими как слон, тюлени уэдделла, тюлень-крабоед.
Самцы могут достигать 200кг (440lb) и может быть до 4 раз больше, чем самок. Они ограничиваются, в основном, на субантарктических островах, с 95% населения мира, находясь на острове Южная Георгия.