
Нужно написать письмо ответ на приглашения в гости, одно с отказом а одно наоборот.

Английский язык


Dear mike, thank you for inviting me to visit you. unfortunately i have a family affair on saturday so i cannot really visit you. i hope we will meet later in the month as i have a lot of good news for you. yours sincerely, julia dear mike, thank you for inviting me to visit you. i confirm that i will be at your place on saturday, jan 26th. i hope that the train will arrive on time. see you soon! yours sincerely, julia

dear charles,many thanks for your letter and the formal invitation you enclose. it is very nice of you to offer to meet our expenses while we are in britain. i gratefully accept it on the assumption that we shall have the pleasure of receiving you here as the return part of the exchange visit.we can discuss all the points with you personally or by letter should you wish to come over before we go. i suppose this would be a very good idea as the dates of our visits are still vague. anyhow, i want you to understand that we shall be delighted to have you here with us any time you choose to come.once again many thanks and best wishes from my wife and myself.yours sincerely,nikolayдорогая лорна! ты знаешь, как я расстроилась из-за того, что в конце концов не смогла посещать занятия по языку в летней школе. твое письмо с приглашением утешило меня. я с нетерпением жду поездку, но она ни в коем случае не должна помешать твоим планам на отпуск. я была бы рада, если бы ты предложила наиболее удобные сроки моего приезда.большое и всем.любящая тебяdear lorna,you know how disappointed i was that i could not attend the english language summer school after all. your letter of invitation is a compensation. i am anticipating my visit with great pleasure but you must not let me interfere with your own plans for the holidays. i would be very glad if you could

Fomin Korablev1781
My hobby is drawing i have many favorite hobbies. i love to read, i like to ride a bike, and i love the story. but my main hobby is drawing. i started drawing when i was little. mother and father very often gave me pens in a variety of colors, colored pencils and a beautiful white paper for drawing. i like to portray on a clean sheet something beautiful, plants, animals, sometimes people. so often i've done cards for mom and dad. however, first my pictures were not the best. something was awry, something that did not happen. but i always continued to draw. now, i think i can draw very well. my works hang on the walls in my room. i often send your creations to competitions of children's drawings and often receive diplomas and prizes. moreover, i go to art school. i like it very much. in art school there is an atmosphere of skill and creativity. we draw still lifes, sometimes people. in the summer we go to picnic and draw nature, flowers, forest, trees, houses. now my drawings are pretty good. but someday i want to learn to draw like the great russian painters i. shishkin, i. aivazovsky, k. bryullov and! i'm sure i'll be able to draw even better if i tried. мое хобби-рисование у меня много любимых увлечений. я люблю читать, я люблю кататься на велосипеде, и мне нравится . но мое самое главное хобби – это рисование. я начал рисовать, когда был еще маленьким. мама с папой часто дарили мне фломастеры самых разных цветов, цветные карандаши и красивую, белоснежную бумагу для рисования. мне нравилось изображать на чистом листе что-нибудь красивое, растения, животных, иногда людей. поэтому я нередко сам делал открытки для мамы и папы. однако, первые мои рисунки были не самыми лучшими. кое-что получалось криво, кое-что вообще не получалось. но я всегда продолжал рисовать. теперь, мне кажется, я рисую хорошо. мои работы висят на стенах в моей комнате. я часто отправляю свои творения на конкурсы детских рисунков и часто получаю дипломы и призы. более того, я хожу в художественную школу. мне там нравится. в художественной школе царит настоящая атмосфера мастерства и творчества. мы обычно рисуем натюрморты, иногда людей. летом мы ходим на пленер и рисуем природу, цветы, леса, деревья, дома. сейчас мои рисунки довольно-таки хорошие. но когда-нибудь я хочу научиться рисовать как великие художники и.шишкин, и.айвазовский и к.брюллов! я уверен, что смогу рисовать еще лучше, если буду стараться.
Last month we visited the m/v seagate a car and passenger ferry which is on regular service between st. petersburg and stockholm.  the officer on watch met us at the gangway and when we got on board we saw that all the sailors were working hard. first of all the officer of the watch took us to the navigating bridge. we found the third officer there who was making entries into the log-book. he showed the ship's navigational equipment to us.then we went to the radio room.  as the second radio officer was busy we decided not to interrupt his work and went to the engine-room.there were many sailors in the engine room. then our guide showed us comfortable passengers and crewmen's cabins, musical saloons, galley and mess-room.we spent two hours on board the ferry and were very pleased with our visit. we thanked the second officer, wished him a happy voyage and left the ship.

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