1. A: John, Is that car yours?
B: No, it isn't mine. It's Joanna's. Her parents bought it for her
2. A: Whose jacket is that? Liza's?
B: No. I don't think it's her. It might be Larry's. Yes, i think it's his
3. Our new house is bigger that yours. Isn't it?
В первом yours, потому что слово car находится до него. то есть, если бы после yours стояло слово car, то было бы : is that your car?
так же и в остальных, когда после них не стоит существительное, к которым они относятся, то они переходят в другую форму. то бишь:
me переходит в mine
you - yours
our - ours
she - her
he - his
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teddy bears
Now they are tightly integrated into modern life. Almost every American child has at least one bear from this collection.
One of the most popular toys of all time, also successfully surviving to us, is the dream of any boy.
Also a designer, but for the youngest. Consists of numerous details from which you can make anything
Lincoln logs
Another constructor. It's amazing how popular they were then =). The details of this constructor were jagged decorative logs for the construction of small fortresses and buildings.
Radio flyer wagon
Anton Pazin, an Italian immigrant, decided to name his toy so as to capture the spirit of the era. In 1917, radio was the newest invention and everyone around was talking about it. She quickly became one of the favorite toys of the time and remains popular to this day in American families.
Tin toys
Despite the fact that Germany made them for many years, America began to do so at the turn of the century, which allowed these toys to spread throughout the country. They were made of metal and painted. Mechanical toys were also popular during this time. Єто игрушки
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