В состав США входит 50 штатов. Их площадь варьируется от 4002 кв.км (Род-Айленд) до 1 717 854 кв.км. (Аляска).
Звание Эвереста как самой высокой мировой вершины может оспорить Мауна-Кеа на Гавайских островах. Если измерять ее от «дна» до пика, она превосходит Джомолунгму на пару тысяч метров. Правда, над уровнем мирового океана американский пик возвышается всего на 4 205 м.
Минимальная зафиксированная в Штатах температура (не считая Аляску) была отмечена в штате Монтана в январе 1954 г – минус 57°C. Максимальная отметка, до которой поднимался столбик термометра, – плюс 56°C (Калифорния, июнь 1913 г).
Из всех штатов максимальной протяженностью береговой линии может похвастаться Аляска – более 10 тыс. км. Жаль только, что местный климат совершенно не располагает к пляжным забавам.
Первый основанный в США город – это Санта-Фе. История современного мегаполиса началась в 1610 г.
I have a very good friend. His (her) name is ... Friends are very important in our life. I think one cannot live without friends. The most important thing for being good friends, to my mind, is to be ready to help one another in any situation, nevertheless how difficult it is, to support one another and to solve all the problems together. And never mind, that the friends may have different interests and hobbies, different likes and dislikes. They say that the friend in need is a friend indeed. I think it is really so.
My friend and I always do our best to help one another. We discuss all our troubles and try to find the best decision in any situation. My friend is a very good, kind and clever boy (girl). We often spend our free time together. It is not very easy now, because both of us are very busy — we are going to enter institutes and have a lot of work to do.
My friend is going to become a doctor (a teacher, an engineer, a lawyer). Our future professions are different (the same) and the subjects we have to study are different (the same) too, but (and) we like to work together and to help one another in our study.
When we have some free time, we go for walks, read and discuss books, watch films, go to discos or play computer games. Playing computer games is our hobby. Both of us are fond of sport. We go in for swimming (tennis) and often go to the swimming pool (tennis court) together. We are football fans and we like to watch and discuss football matches on TV or to go to the stadium. I love my friend very much. I think he (she) is a true friend. Our friendship is very dear to me and I try to do my best to be a good friend too.
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Выбери: our parents wash / washes our horse. simon walk / walks his dog every day. i feed / feeds my snake in the morning. he feed / feeds his hamster in the evening. jenny brush \ brushes her dog every day.
вот так должно быть это я точно знаю))