
хотя бы чем вообще не знаю : ( 30б вот: name: date: class: mark: vocabulary a fill in the correct word. ● fireworks ● special dish ● gardening ● flowers ● costumes ● celebrate ● dusting ● phone ● decorations ● homework e.g. everyone’s getting ready to celebrate the new year’s day. 1 at halloween, we all wear strange 2 sam is doing the loves plants and flowers. 3 she loves to watch the in the sky on guy fawkes' night. 4 mum is making a for dinner tonight. 5 he gives his on her birthday. 6 the room looks lovely with all the …………………. 7 can i make a call? 8 the living room is dirty we must do some 9 i’m sorry. i can't go out tonight because i'm doing 10 mum is making for my birthday! b underline the correct word. 11 it’s your turn to do/make the dusting. 12 he doesn’t want to do/make the washing-up 13 help your dad do/make the shopping. 14 mum is doing/making a special dish. 15 they are doing/making wreaths. c choose the correct item. 16 on st. patrick’s day, we like to parade. a listen b watch c eat 17 this is a great game. why don't you ? a join b go c come 18 after the party you can help me a work b take c clean 19 it’s great fun when we gifts. a exchange b lose c return 20 let’s play a game of chairs. a talented b musical c dramatic grammar d underline the correct word. 21 he is/are washing the car. 22 we is/are having a party. 23 i is/am eating a sandwich. 24 is/are they watching tv? 25 is/are she listening to music? e write the correct form of the verb in bracket this e.g. is (be) craig bellows and his mother, claire. they 26) ) from scunthorpe. craig and claire (have) the same blond hair and blue eyes. in the picture, craig ) on a swing and claire (hold) him. they (have) a great time. f put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 31 is/wearing/what/ 32 watching/not/susan/is/a/ 33 you/enjoying/your/holiday/ 34 is/drums/not/cynthia/today/playing/ 35 the/eating/are/wh/ not/sandwiches/ everyday english g match the questions to the responses. e.g. are you having fun? f a dozen white roses. 36 what do you think of the party? b no, not really. 37 are you doing anything at the moment? c it's brilliant. 38 what do you have in mind? d yes, please. i have it ready. 39 what are the sandwiches like? e they're horrible. 40 would you like to include a card? f yes, we are. reading h read the text and answer the questions. this a picture of my brother at his birthday party. his name is paul and in this picture he is wearing his favourite t-shirt and a party hat. our house is full of decorations and paul is having a great time. he is blowing a party horn and drinking some orange juice. his friends are eating sandwiches and everybody is listening to happy music. you 20: 52: 51 can't see our parents in this picture because they are in the kitchen. they are making all food and drinks. 41 what kind of hat is paul 42 what is paul 43 what are paul's friends 44 what is everybody listening 45 where are paul's

Английский язык



NAME: Тут ваше имя например IVAN IVANOV



 MARK: Оценка


A Fill in the correct word. 

● fireworks ● special dish ● gardening ● flowers ● costumes ● celebrate 

● dusting ● phone ● decorations ● homework 

e.g. Everyone’s getting ready to celebrate the New Year’s Day. 

1 At Halloween, we all wear strange costumes
2 Sam is doing the gardening. He loves plants and flowers. 
3 She loves to watch the fireworks in the sky on Guy Fawkes' Night. 
4 Mum is making a special dish for dinner tonight. 
5 He gives his mother flowers on her birthday. 
6 The room looks lovely with all the decorations
7 Can I make a phone call? 
8 The living room is dirty we must do some dusting
9 I’m sorry. I can't go out tonight because I'm doing my homework 
10 Mum is making special dish for my birthday! 

B Underline the correct word. 

11 It’s your turn to DO the dusting. 
12 He doesn’t want to DO the washing-up 
13 Help your dad DO the shopping. 
14 Mum is MAKING a special dish. 
15 They are MAKING wreaths. 

C Choose the correct item. 

16 On St. Patrick’s Day, we like to WATCH .the parade. 
A listen B watch C eat 

17 This is a great game. Why don't you JOIN in? 
A join B go C come 

18 After the party you can help me to CLEAN
A work B take C clean 

19 It’s great fun when we EXCHANGE gifts. 
A exchange B lose C return 

20 Let’s play a game of MUSICAL chairs. 
A talented B musical C dramatic 


D Underline the correct word. 

21 He IS washing the car. 
22 We ARE having a party. 
23 I AM eating a sandwich. 
24 ARE they watching TV? 
25 IS she listening to music? 

E Write the correct form of the verb in bracket 

This e.g. is (be) Craig Bellows and his mother, Claire. They 26) ARE be) 
from Scunthorpe. Craig and Claire 27).HAVE the same blond hair 
and blue eyes. In the picture, Craig 28)IS SITTING  on a swing and Claire 
29) IS HOLDING him. They ARE HAVING a great time. 

F Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 

31 is/wearing/what/she?WHAT IS SHE WEARING?

32 watching/not/Susan/is/a/film..SUSAN IS NOT WATCHING A FILM

33 you/enjoying/your/holiday/are?.ARE YOU ENJOYING YOUR HOLIDAYS

34 is/drums/not/Cynthia/today/playing/the CYNTHIA IS NOT PLAYNG THE DRUMS TODAY.
35 the/eating/are/why not/sandwiches/ they?...WHY THEY ARE NOT EATING THE SANDWICHES?

Everyday English 
G Match the questions to the responses. 

e.g. Are you having fun? F             
36 What do you think of the party? C

37 Are you doing anything at the moment? ..B

38 What do you have in mind? ...A...

39 What are the sandwiches like? E

40 Would you like to include a card? ...D...

H Read the text and answer the questions. 

This a picture of my brother at his birthday party. His name is Paul and in this 
picture he is wearing his favourite T-shirt and a party hat. Our house is full of 
decorations and Paul is having a great time. He is blowing a party horn and drinking 
some orange juice. His friends are eating sandwiches and everybody is listening to 
happy music. You can't see our parents in this picture because they are in the kitchen. 
They are making all food and drinks. 

41 What kind of hat is Paul wearing?...HE IS WEARING A PARTY HAT


43 What are Paul's friends eating?.THEY ARE EATING SANDWICHES

44 What is everybody listening to?.EVERYBODY IS LISTENING TO HAPPY MUSIC

45 Where are Paul's parents?..THEY ARE IN THE KITCHEN

Заполни форму:
NAME:  ФИО                                                                                DATE дд.мм.гг (ДАТА)

CLASS КЛАСС (например, 5А)                                                 MARK ОЦЕНКА (ставить учитель).

Vocabulary (Словарь)

A Fill in the correct word (Ввести в поле нужное слово)

● fireworks ● special dish ● gardening ● flowers ● costumes ● celebrate

dusting●с ● phone ● decorations ● homework

e.g. Everyone’s getting ready to celebrate the New Year’s Day.

1 At Halloween, we all wear strange costumes.
2 Sam is doing the gardening. He loves plants and flowers.
3 She loves to watch the fireworks in the sky on Guy Fawkes' Night.
4 Mum is making a special dish for dinner tonight.
5 He gives his mother flowers on her birthday.
6 The room looks lovely with all the decorations.
7 Can I make a phone call?
8 The living room is dirty we must do some dusting.
9 I’m sorry. I can't go out tonight because I'm doing my homework.
10 Mum is making celebrate for my birthday!

B Underline the correct word. (Подчеркнуть правильное слово).

11 It’s your turn to DO the dusting.
12 He doesn’t want DO the washing-up
13 Help your dad DO the shopping.
14 Mum is MAKING a special dish.
15 They are MAKING wreaths.

C Choose the correct item. Выбери правильный пункт.

16 On St. Patrick’s Day, we like to B) WATCH the parade (смотреть парад).
A listen B watch C eat

17 This is a great game. Why don't you A) JOING (присоединиться) in?
A join B go C come

18 After the party you can help me to C) CLEAN (убрать).
A work B take C clean

19 It’s great fun when we A) EXCHANGE gifts.
A exchange B lose C return

20 Let’s play a game of B) MUSICAL chairs.
A talented B musical C dramatic


D Underline the correct word.

21 He IS washing the car.
22 We ARE having a party.
23 I am eating a sandwich.
24 ARE  they watching TV?
25 IS she listening to music?

E Write the correct form of the verb in bracket

26) This IS Craig Bellows and his mother, Claire. They ARE from Scunthorpe. Craig and Claire 27) HAVE the same blond hair and blue eyes. In the picture, 28) Craig SAT on a swing and Claire 29)HELD  him. They HAD a great time.

F Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

31 What is she wearing?

32 Susan is not watching a film.

33 ARE you enjoying your holiday?

34  Cynthia is not playing the drums today.

35  Why they are not eating the sandwiches?

36 What do you think of the party? C It's brilliant
37 Are you doing anything at the moment? B No, not really.  

38 What do you have in mind? A dozen white roses.

39 What are the sandwiches like?  E They're horrible.

40 Would you like to include a card? D Yes, please. I have it ready.

41 What kind of hat is Paul wearing? - Paul is wearing a party hat

42 What is Paul doing? - He is blowing a party horn and drinking
some orange juice.
43 What are Paul's friends eating? - Paul's friends are eating sandwiches.

44 What is everybody listening to? -  Everybody is listening to happy music.
45 Where are Paul's parents? - Paul's parents are in the kitchen.

Слушай, оно самое подходящее для 4 класса. Я проходила такие же сочинения. Оно большое конечно, но в наше время это считалась нормой. 
Перевод на русском:
Я очень любознательный и общительный человек, мне нравится узнавать и рассказывать о происходящих событиях, меня всегда интересуют мнения людей о каких-либо проблемах. Постоянное общение, как со сверстниками, так и с взрослыми для меня очень важно. Кроме этого, я люблю писать рассказы, сочинять небольшие заметки, и уже опубликовала несколько работ. Поэтому ответ на вопрос «Кем я хочу работать?» для меня давно найден: я хочу заниматься журналистикой, и считаю это своим призванием, только пока не решила, куда пойду ‒ на телевидение, в журнал или газету. Профессия журналиста нравится мне по многим причинам. Во-первых, это очень интересное занятие, лишенное однообразия и монотонности, потому что темы, на которые пишут журналисты, могут быть самыми разными. Эту работу никак не назовешь скучной, ведь журналист должен быть готов к любым неожиданностям, например, получить задание и уехать на край света. Еще меня очень привлекает возможность часто ездить в разные города и страны, общаться с интересными людьми. Во-вторых, журналисты могут добиться справедливости, если произошел конфликт, а так же оказать попавшему в трудную ситуацию человеку, привлекая к его проблеме внимание большого количества людей. В-третьих, если я стану журналистом, это мне осуществить мою мечту: я очень хочу выпускать собственное печатное издание или телепередачу для молодежной аудитории. Обсуждать там можно будет самые разные вопросы: о моде, путешествиях, музыке, а также беседовать об отношениях, психологии, учебе и о многих других темах.
Перевод на Английский: 
I'm very curious and sociable person, I like to learn and tell about the events, I am always interested in people's opinions about any problems. Constant communication, both with peers and with adults is very important to me. In addition, I love to write stories, to write small notes, and had already published several works. So the answer to the question "Who do I want to work?" I have found: I want to do journalism, and I consider it my calling, I just haven't decided where to go ‒ on TV, in a magazine or newspaper. The profession of a journalist like me for many reasons. First, it is a very interesting exercise, devoid of monotony and monotony, because the topics on which journalists write can be very different. This work can not be called boring, because the journalist must be ready for any eventuality, for example, to an urgent job and go to the end of the world. I was also very attracted by the opportunity to travel frequently to different cities and countries, to communicate with interesting people. Second, journalists can help to achieve justice, if there is a conflict, and to assist in difficult situation man, attracting to it the attention of a large number of people. Thirdly, if I become a journalist it will help me to realize my dream: I really want to produce your own printed publication or a TV show for a younger audience. Discuss there will be a variety of questions about fashion, travel, music, and...I am very inquisitive and sociable person, I like to learn and talk about current events, I am always interested in people's opinions about any problems. Constant communication, both with peers and with adults is very important to me. In addition, I love to write stories, to write small notes, and had already published several works. So the answer to the question "Who do I want to work?" I have found: I want to do journalism, and I consider it my calling, I just haven't decided where to go ‒ on TV, in a magazine or newspaper. The profession of a journalist like me for many reasons. First, it is a very interesting exercise, devoid of monotony and monotony, because the topics on which journalists write can be very different. This work can not be called boring, because the journalist must be ready for any eventuality, for example, to an urgent job and go to the end of the world. I was also very attracted by the opportunity to travel frequently to different cities and countries, to communicate with interesting people. Second, journalists can help to achieve justice, if there is a conflict, and to assist in difficult situation man, attracting to it the attention of a large number of people. Thirdly, if I become a journalist it will help me to realize my dream: I really want to produce your own printed publication or a TV show for a younger audience. Discuss there will be a variety of questions about fashion, travel, music, and also to talk about relationships, psychology, education and many other topics.


If I was asked to choose my ideal home, I would live in a house in Holland. A small one-story White house. There would be square Windows with wooden frames. There will be petunias on the windowsills and fields of tulips all around. You know, Holland is famous for its Tulip fields. And the Tulip is my favorite flower. Every morning the sun would Wake me up and the red cat would RUB against my cheek. I rode my bike to the nearest village for fresh milk and bread. There will be no TV or game console in the house, but there will be a large bookcase and a toaster. In addition, my husband and I experimented with cooking and went to the city every three months for an entertainment fair.

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

хотя бы чем вообще не знаю : ( 30б вот: name: date: class: mark: vocabulary a fill in the correct word. ● fireworks ● special dish ● gardening ● flowers ● costumes ● celebrate ● dusting ● phone ● decorations ● homework e.g. everyone’s getting ready to celebrate the new year’s day. 1 at halloween, we all wear strange 2 sam is doing the loves plants and flowers. 3 she loves to watch the in the sky on guy fawkes' night. 4 mum is making a for dinner tonight. 5 he gives his on her birthday. 6 the room looks lovely with all the …………………. 7 can i make a call? 8 the living room is dirty we must do some 9 i’m sorry. i can't go out tonight because i'm doing 10 mum is making for my birthday! b underline the correct word. 11 it’s your turn to do/make the dusting. 12 he doesn’t want to do/make the washing-up 13 help your dad do/make the shopping. 14 mum is doing/making a special dish. 15 they are doing/making wreaths. c choose the correct item. 16 on st. patrick’s day, we like to parade. a listen b watch c eat 17 this is a great game. why don't you ? a join b go c come 18 after the party you can help me a work b take c clean 19 it’s great fun when we gifts. a exchange b lose c return 20 let’s play a game of chairs. a talented b musical c dramatic grammar d underline the correct word. 21 he is/are washing the car. 22 we is/are having a party. 23 i is/am eating a sandwich. 24 is/are they watching tv? 25 is/are she listening to music? e write the correct form of the verb in bracket this e.g. is (be) craig bellows and his mother, claire. they 26) ) from scunthorpe. craig and claire (have) the same blond hair and blue eyes. in the picture, craig ) on a swing and claire (hold) him. they (have) a great time. f put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 31 is/wearing/what/ 32 watching/not/susan/is/a/ 33 you/enjoying/your/holiday/ 34 is/drums/not/cynthia/today/playing/ 35 the/eating/are/wh/ not/sandwiches/ everyday english g match the questions to the responses. e.g. are you having fun? f a dozen white roses. 36 what do you think of the party? b no, not really. 37 are you doing anything at the moment? c it's brilliant. 38 what do you have in mind? d yes, please. i have it ready. 39 what are the sandwiches like? e they're horrible. 40 would you like to include a card? f yes, we are. reading h read the text and answer the questions. this a picture of my brother at his birthday party. his name is paul and in this picture he is wearing his favourite t-shirt and a party hat. our house is full of decorations and paul is having a great time. he is blowing a party horn and drinking some orange juice. his friends are eating sandwiches and everybody is listening to happy music. you 20: 52: 51 can't see our parents in this picture because they are in the kitchen. they are making all food and drinks. 41 what kind of hat is paul 42 what is paul 43 what are paul's friends 44 what is everybody listening 45 where are paul's
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