
Маленький мальчик по имени тимми никогда не был в деревне.сегодня он впервые попал на ферму и задает взрослым вопросы.напиши, какие вопросы задает тимми

Английский язык


1)какого здесь жить?
2)что мне нужно делать/зделать?
3)здесь можно найти друзей?
1)Тут всегда так жарко?
2)Зачем вы ходите на ферму?
3)Как вы тут живёте?


1)There is always so hot?
2) Why did you go to the farm?
3)Do you live here?

1.Мне приходится ходить в библиотеку-I have to go to the library

2.Ему приходится ходить в библиотеку-He has to go to the library

3.Им пришлось ходить в библиотеку-They had to go to the library

4.Ей пришлось ходить в библиотеку-She had to go to the library

5.Тебе придётся ходить в библиотеку-You have to go to the library

6.Ему не приходится ходить в библиотеку-He doesn't have to go to the library

7.Мне не приходится ходить в библиотеку -I don't have to go to the library

8.Тебе приходится ходить в библиотеку?-Do you have to go to the library?

9.Ей приходится ходить в библиотеку?- Does she have to go to the library?

Christmas and New Year are the most wonderful and amazing holidays  when all dreams come true.Our school always arranges  the celebration of these holidays. In the middle of our gym they put a huge Christmas tree and performances start. The heroes of our favorite fairy-tales come to see us and to give us New Year and Christmas presents, and for high school students they arrange a real costume party. Very often during the Christmas holidays our school organizes excursions and trips. Last year we went to Moscow. It was fun. I dream to visit the most wonderful country in the world. It called Lapland. It is very beautiful, because the sun shines on the snow, and everything sparkles. I want to ride a fabulous reindeer and meet the real Santa Claus. I want to make a most magical wish. I think it would be cool!

In our family Easter is one of the most important holidays of the year and traditions of celebrating Easter in our family are very bright, colorful and cheerful. So, in the morning we went to the nearest church where the religious service was taken place.  It was so amazing. We brought Easter baskets filled with eggs, bread and other food to the Easter service to consecrate them. After the service we went home and ate specially prepared food: Easter lamb, Easter eggs, chocolate eggs, Easter bunny, sausage, ham and other tasty things. Then my parents let me go for a walk with my friends. The weather was wonderful, it was sunny and warm. We rode our bikes and skates and had fun. In the evening we went to the cinema and watch an interesting film.  It was good day and evening.

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Маленький мальчик по имени тимми никогда не был в деревне.сегодня он впервые попал на ферму и задает взрослым вопросы.напиши, какие вопросы задает тимми
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