Present Simple (простое настоящее время), используется в основном когда речь идёт об обыденных, постоянных вещах или когда что-то происходит вообще, а не в момент речи, а также когда речь идёт о каких-либо доказанных фактах или аксиомах. Сигнальные слова every, usually, often, always.
Present continios употребляется, когда речь идёт о действии, которое происходит сейчас (в данный момент речи) или о каком-либо будуще запланированном действии. Сигнальные слова now, at the moment, still, right now
The present simple tense usage.
1. Обычное, постоянное действие, происходящее вообще, а не в данный момент. He goes to school. Yes, I speak French.
2. Нынешнее состояние. I am thirsty.
3. Вечные истины. Two by two makes four. The sun sets in the West.
4. События в момент речи с глаголами чувств, восприятий, состояния души или вещей. See, hear, recognise, want, know, understand, include belong, need. Do you understand? I don’t hear you.
5. Будущие события в придаточных предложениях. I will tell him when he comes. I don’t care what he says or what he does. Who comes first will get a prize. I will love you whatever happens. Next time I will do as you say. If, unless, provided that, until, till, as soon as, before, when…
6. Будущие события с глаголами движения и расписания. The match starts at five. The ship sails tomorrow.
7. Действия в настоящий момент в комментариях. Ronaldo shoots and it’s a goal! We mix the sauce and pour it onto the pan.
8. Наравне с будущим временем для описания будущих событий в предложениях, начинающихся с выражений типа. I hope you do well. I assume she doesn’t come.
9. Будущие события при уверенности, что они наступят. Tomorrow is Sunday. He retires next month.
10. Хронология событий. In 1957 the USSR launches its first satellite. Two years later he finishes his research.
11. Приказы, команды. Stop it! Come on!
12. Восклицательные предложения. Here he comes! There goes the bus!
события для оживления повествования. And then Mike comes up to me and slaps me on the back as if we were friends.
14. Заголовки газет и новостей. Princess Diana dies in a car crash. Dollar falls.
события с глаголами речи и восприятия. I hear you are going to move. I forget your name.
The present continuous tense usage.
1. Действие в данный момент времени. Кроме глаголов не действия: чувств - like, love, prefer, hate; восприятий - feel, understand, agree, know, seem, sound, taste; состояния души - want, wish, need, состояния вещей - belong, contain, include, possess, owe, own.
2. Действие в текущем отрезке времени. He is learning French this year.
3. Будущие запланированные действия. I am buying a computer tomorrow.
4. При уверенности, что действие должно произойти в будущем. The ship is sailing at 5 o’clock tomorrow.
5. Процесс в придаточных предложениях. If I am sleeping when he comes, wake me up.
6. Критически воспринимаемые постоянные действия. He is always getting into trouble.
7. Выражение be going to.
a) Собираться, намереваться. I am going to buy a new car.
b) Похоже, что. It is going to rain.
c) Может произойти. You are going to be fined.
d) Предстоит. He is going to receive a Nobel prize.
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Walter and mary were two of the ravens. they lived at the tower of london, in england. they enjoyed life there , but some days were difficult. mary and walter loved to sit on the wall and watch people. they often laughed at some of the silly things they did. they ravens didn’t like it when people stared at them , made faces at them , or sometimes took photos of them. they didn’t mind the photos too much , but when the camera got too close to their beaks - they got angry. that day , some of the tourists got very close to the ravens . one man’s camera nearly touched mary’s beak. then a large group of children came by. one little girl put her face very close to walter’s beak. he wanted to bite the girl. mary uderstood walter’s wish. "don’t! " she said. after all the tourists and children went home , walter said to mary , "l’ve had it ! l’ve had it ! i want to leave the tower and find another place to live." mary answered , " walter , we can’t leave the tower . we can’t fly , remember . they clipped our wings so we couldn’t fly away. i heard a beefeater say once that as long as there were ravens at the tower of london, then england would stay a great country. if we leave the tower , then what will happen to england? " i don’t care anymore. do you know what a little boy did to me today? he pulled a feather out of my tail. that hurt! i’m tired of this place and of all the people, " walter sighed.just then, anne and william, two of the other ravens that lived at the tower, came by. "what’s the matter with walter? " anne asked. he is tired of the tourists. he wants to leave the tower, " mary told her. "but walter , i also had a bad day. a man with a camera stuck it so close to me that it chipped a piece off my beak , " william said. " well , if we’re all so unhappy here , why don’t we leave ? we’ll find a better place to live than here " , walter said. the other ravens agreed. that night they made a plan of how to escape from the tower of london. , перевидите текст и не с переводчика, а то по китайски словно)