1. will have translated - future perfect. 2. was equipped - past passive 3. are preparing present simple
Он будет переводить эту статью к завтрашнему дню. 2. Наша лаборатория была оборудована в месяце. 3. Сейчас они готовятся к экзамену в читальном зале.
1. thought, would finish - past simple
2.knew , had been done. Past perfect
3. says , has - present simple
1. Ученые думали, что они закончат исследование через неделю. 2. Никто не знал, что эксперимент уже сделан. 3. Она говорит, что у нее лекции каждый день
In Russia there are many outstanding teachers who have made a huge contribution to education. So, one of the outstanding teachers is Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy: (1828) - he was not only a great Russian writer, but also a great Russian teacher, theorist and practitioner of school, especially primary education, the Creator of the famous Yasnaya Polyana school for peasant children. Of great importance for the development of science and education in Russia was the work of the brilliant Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov.
Also, K. D. Ushinsky (1824-1870/71) – Russian teacher-Democrat, founder of scientific pedagogy in Russia. The basis of its pedagogical system – the requirement of democratization of public education and the idea of public education. In didactics carried out the idea of bringing up education. Main works: "Children's world", " Man as a subject of education. Experience of pedagogical anthropology.".
One of the most famous and recognizable teachers Is Ln. Vygotsky domestic psychologist, author of cultural and historical theory of human development; prominent theorist of psychology; influenced the development of related psychology Sciences-defectology, linguistics, Ethnography, etc.
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