
Cделайте предложения вопросительными 1 he invited me to his party last week. 2)the teacher asked him questions in the lesson 3. we decorated the christmas tree last winter. 4. the teacher checked our tests three days ago 5. we played football with our friends last sunday.

Английский язык


1 When did he invite me to his party?
2 who asked him questions in the lesson?
3 what did we decorate last winter?
4 when did the teacher check our tests?
5 who played football with our friends last sunday?
Inozemtseva Korolev1271
1) Who invited me to party last week?
When he invited me to party?
2)Who asked him questions in the lesson?
3)Who decorated the Christmas tree last winter?
When we decorated the Christmas tree?
What we decorated last winter?
4)When teacher checked our tests?
Who checked our tests three days ago?
5)When we played football with our friends?
Who played football with friends last Sunday?
We played football with our friends last Sunday,didn't we?



Стаття 140. Місцеве самоврядування є правом територіальної громади - жителів села чи добровільного об'єднання у сільську громаду жителів кількох сіл, селища та міста - самостійно вирішувати питання місцевого значення в межах Конституції і законів України.

Особливості здійснення місцевого самоврядування в містах Києві та Севастополі визначаються окремими законами України.

Місцеве самоврядування здійснюється територіальною громадою в порядку, встановленому законом, як безпосередньо, так і через органи місцевого самоврядування: сільські, селищні, міські ради та їх виконавчі органи.

Органами місцевого самоврядування, що представляють спільні інтереси територіальних громад сіл, селищ та міст, є районні та обласні ради

My timetable changes much when I have vacations. The main thing that changes is that I do not have classes, and usually on holidays the out-of-school sections also give children a break. So I wake up much later, than usually – about 8.30 a.m. I have breakfast watching TV and eating very slowly. Than I can call a friend and go to the cinema – on vacations cinemas always offer very cheap tickets in the mornings or in the midday. After cinema - about 1 p.m. - my friends and I usually spend few hours together walking in the park or going to a café, or a bookstore. As my parents are working, I do not have to be home to some exact time for dinner, but about 3 p.m. I usually feel I have to eat something. Sometimes we go to visit each other, and in such days we play videogames or table games, or spend time in front of the computer. Also on vacations I’ve got time to read what I like, not only what I need for school. Sometimes my parents give me some tasks, so I help them. Also I can visit my grandparents and even stay overnight. On vacations we have dinner at 7 p.m., as usual, but I go to bed much, much later - about midnight.

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Cделайте предложения вопросительными 1 he invited me to his party last week. 2)the teacher asked him questions in the lesson 3. we decorated the christmas tree last winter. 4. the teacher checked our tests three days ago 5. we played football with our friends last sunday.
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