
Переведите на ! 10. -у тебя хорошая машина? - да, она была новая, когда я ее купил. она стоила кучу денег (piles of money) - ты нечасто ремонтируешь её, не так ли? - нет. за 6 лет я имел небольшие поломки всего 3 раза. 11. джек - самый невоспитанный человек, которого я когда-либо видела. не успела я сказать и слова, как он начал перебивать меня. 12. это книга скучна. едва я прочел 1ую главу, как знал окончание книги. 13. не успел он войти в дом, как почувствовал запах газа (инверсия) 14. едва я включил компьютер, как погас свет. (инверсия)

Английский язык


Have you got a good car?
- Yes, it was new when I bought it. It cost me piles of money.
- You rarely mend it, don't you?
- No, I don't. In 6 years I have had minor some damage only 3 times.
11. Jack is the most rude person I have ever seen. Before I could say a word, he began interrupting me.
12. This book is very boring. As soon as I had read the first chapter, I knew how the story would end.
13. Hardly had he entered the house, he felt the smell of gas.
14. Hardly had I turned on the computer, the lights went out.
-You Got a good car ? - Yes, she was new when I bought it. It cost a lot of money (piles of money) - You rarely remontiruesh it , is not it? - No. For 6 years I had minor damage only 3 times . 11. Jack - the most rude person I have ever seen . Before I could say a word , he began to interrupt me . 12. This book is very boring . As soon as I read the first chapter , I knew the end of the book . 13. Before he could enter the house , he felt the smell of gas ( inversion) 14. As soon as I turned on the computer , as the lights went out . (inversion)

He  got  up at seven o’clock. He washed his face, cleaned his teeth and combed.  He went to the kitchen and  had  his  breakfast. For breakfast he had a cup of coffee and cheese. When  breakfast  was over, he  went  to the office. He  took  a  bus  to get to his work.

  At  the office he worked till two o’clock. At two o’clock he had dinner. He finished

his work at seven o’clock in the evening. He decided to walk a little after his working day. He returned home at nine. He didn’t want to have supper, he  only  drank tea. He went  to  his  room  and  watched  TV. When the TV programme was over, he slept.


When did he get up?

What did he have for breakfast?

How did he get to work?

When did he return home?

What did he do in the evening?



 1. You usually speak too quickly.

2. She always understands new themes.

3. My brother sings in Italian opera.

4. When Mike came (comes)  at home, he called (calls) her.

5. The largest map was bought by him 2 weeks ago. 

6. Did you visit his friend 2 weeks ago?

7. Next week we'll meet with our cousins.

8. The train will arrive at 8 PM tomorrow.

9. They left this town in 1996.

10. My father taught  me how to drive when I was 17.

11. We began this experiment in 1999.

12. He is the 3d in the list.

13. Yesterday I met my best friend in the street.

14. When the weather gets warmer, I'll  start practicing again.

15. When did you buy this flower-pot?

16. Helen lived on the 9th floor in 1874 flat.

17. Next year my father will be 45.

18. This article was written by a journalist last week.

19. Mushrooms are gathered in fall.

20. These articles will be published next week.

21. The card was made by a creative boy 2 weeks ago.

22. The match will be translated on TV tomorrow.

23. The new flat was presented a young couple on their wedding.

24. Give him this message if you see him.

25. Will she be at 6?

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Переведите на ! 10. -у тебя хорошая машина? - да, она была новая, когда я ее купил. она стоила кучу денег (piles of money) - ты нечасто ремонтируешь её, не так ли? - нет. за 6 лет я имел небольшие поломки всего 3 раза. 11. джек - самый невоспитанный человек, которого я когда-либо видела. не успела я сказать и слова, как он начал перебивать меня. 12. это книга скучна. едва я прочел 1ую главу, как знал окончание книги. 13. не успел он войти в дом, как почувствовал запах газа (инверсия) 14. едва я включил компьютер, как погас свет. (инверсия)
Ваше имя (никнейм)*

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