Before the 19th century, artists mainly made artwork for the wealthy people and the religious groups. They were controlled by the academy and painted in a way that mainstream society recognized. Many of their paintings depicted scenes of mythology and church. However in the 19th century, industrialization brought many new technologies to ordinary people, making the impossible possible. Many artists began to create artworks to explore the concept of symbolism. Many of their subjects were daily things such as ordinary people, normal places and the things they had direct experience on. They challenged the traditional concept that artists must depict realistic worlds. Instead, they used a wide range of colors, materials and techniques to…show more content…
Van Gogh depicted clouds and stars in whirly shape in order to direct the viewer´s eye around the painting. When standing in front the painting, one would spontaneously be attracted by those swirls and would follow one swirl to another.
Much – для того, что не можешь посчитать в штуках, и считаешь обычно граммами, ложками, стаканами, буханками. Также для обобщающих слов (как food, furniture, clothes). Many – для того, что посчитать в штуках можно. A lot of – употребляется со всем, но используется в разговорном стиле. Соответственно:
3 much
4 many
5 much
6 many
7 much
8 many
9 many
10 much
11 many
12 many (потому что grapes – виноградины, их мы считать можем, но просто виноград неисчисляем)
13 much
14 a lot of (похоже на разговорный, можно и much влепить, в остальных случаях не скажешь, разговорный там или нет, по одному предложению не понять, по сути хоть везде проставь a lot of, и это не будет ошибкой, если заявишь, что всё разговорный, лол)
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Once upon a time there was a very fast hare and a very slow tortoise. the hare always laughed at the tortoise because he was so slow . all the animals were tired of listening to the hare . then one day the tortoise surprised them all: `let`s have a race tomorrow then! ` the next day when they started the race the hare jumped forward . very soon he was far ahead af the tortoise . it was a very sunny day and the hare was very hot `there`s a tree. i can rest under it! ` a few hours later the tortoise passed the sleeping suddenly the hare opened his eyes and looked around . he saw the tortoise at the finish line! the tortoise was the winner ! the hare learned his lesson that day: `keep on going and dont stop until you cross the finish line! переведите.
в этот день заяц вынес урок для себя: продолжай идти и не останавливайся ,пока не дойдёшь до финиша