
Напишите сочинение на на тему мой день в зоопарке 6 класс

Английский язык


Our autumn holidays have been a lot of fun, however, as usual!We went to school, preparing for the 100th anniversary of our Lyceum. But the number 1, we decided to get out into nature, or rather, we have won a certificate for a free trip to the zoo, it turned out we only really when we tried to intellectual marathon. In his Lyceum, we have a winner-class, so we have awarded this certificate.Zoo we have a very large, and since it was cool outside, then all the animals we could not see. We saw a variety of birds and hear them singing, admired the king of all animals - a lion, a number had tigers, polar bears reached after went to the pavilion with tropical animals seen and tropical fish. After many already frozen, so we decided to go with the girls in the cafe to warm up, to talk, etc.In general, a campaign like we walked a bit and relax from the bustle of the city ...Наши осенние каникулы очень весело, в прочем, как обычно!Мы ходили в школе, готовились к 100-летию нашего лицея. Но 1 числа мы решили выбраться на природу, точнее мы выиграли сертификат на бесплатный поход в зоопарк, это получилось у нас только когда мы очень постарались на интеллектуальном марафоне. В своем лицее мы стали классом-победителем, поэтому нас наградили этим сертификатом.Зоопарк у нас очень большой, а так как на улице было прохладно, то на всех зверей нам не удалось посмотреть. Мы увидели различных птиц, послушали их пение, восхищались царем всех зверей - львом, рядом были тигры, дошли до белых медведей, после отправились в павильон с тропическими животными, увидели и тропических рыб. После многие уже замерзли, вот мы и решили сходить с девчонками в кафе, чтобы погреться, поговорить и т.д.  В общем, поход понравился, мы погуляли и немного расслабились от городской суеты...
1.This is a house. It is the house made of wood. 2.This is the house that Jack built. 3. Your blouse is in the washing machine. It will be ready for the tomorrow's party. 4. What a lovely dress! Are you going to wear it? 5. In a good library there are always lots of children's books. 6. (The) story was so exciting that the children could hardly believe their ears. 7. The books looks very unusual. I haven't seen the book like this before. - I'm not surprised. It's a very old and expensive book. 8. I know a man who lives in house.
1. First you should feel a wish to eat food so you need to wake up drink some tea or water and after only when your stomach would like and ready to take food you should cook better porridge and bread with butter.
2. Then in 2 or 3 houres you can get hungry and now it s time to take some more high-calorie food. It should be  soup or meat with vegetables.
3. Pay attention! portions of meals must be a little.
4. Also it can be nice to drink much water during the day. Not sweet of coure.
5. You should prefer to eat vegetables and fruits.
6. Try to exclude fat food from your ration.
7. Forget for your late supper.

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