
Написать сочинение (15 предл) на про леонардо да винчи

Английский язык


The life of Leonardo da Vinci. Born Leonardo in 1452 in the village, located near the town of Vinci. It turned out the prefix to his name. His father, a Florentine notary, gave his son to 15 years of age to study in the workshop of Verrocchio in Florence. Master Leonardo was not only a painter, sculptor, carver and musician, but also a competent engineer. This is largely to ensure the full development of the abilities of the young
Leonardo. Master Leonardo belonged to the type of the Italian Renaissance artists (Uccello, Ghiberti, and others.), Who believed that the painting technique should be based on scientific principles. This provision has been the basic principle of Leonardo's lifetime. The quest for scientific knowledge of nature made Leonardo attracted to men of science of his time. It was close to such a great scientist as Toscanelli.
Leonardo learned a lot from communicating with the great mathematician Paolo del Abaco. By the math, he had a special respect in general. He believed that "no credibility there in the sciences, where you can not make any of the mathematical sciences, and that has no connection with the math." At the time, many scientists mathematics was a means of escape from the contradictions between the experience and the weakness of science.
Mathematics used them to construct abstract idealistic schemes. Leonardo da Vinci saw in mathematics a powerful tool for analysis and synthesis of the data of experience. Leonardo asserted. "He is fond of practice without science - like a pilot, stepping on a ship without a rudder or compass" And further: "Always practice should be erected on a good theory." At the same time, he argued: "Many would consider itself entitled to reproach me, pointing out that my evidence

1. I won’t finish it on time unless you help me. (Conditional 1)

2. If I had another puncture, I would repair it. (Conditional 2)

3. If they were Japanese, they wouldn't speak Chinese. (Conditional 2)

4. If I saw a big spider in my house, I would scream loudly. (Conditional 2)

5. The hijackers would threaten us if they had a bomb. (Conditional 2)

6. You would have arrived earlier if you had caught a taxi. (Conditional 3)

7. Eric would have won the race if he had trained better. (Conditional 3)

8. Kevin will return to the office if his boss tells him so. (Conditional 1)

9. His mother would let him go to the party if he got good marks at the exam. (Conditional 2)

10. Maria’s friend would have enjoyed the concert if she had gone. (Conditional 3)


7 утра. Очень жарко, и мы находимся в Land Rover. Семнадцатилетний Юнкурра Тейлор записал рок-музыку на своем MP3-плеере. Мы видим дикого верблюда! Мы следуем за ним, и мужчины охотятся на верблюда с оружием. Я здесь, в пустыне Западной Австралии, с людьми из Марту. В очень большом районе 1000 Марту - это размер Греции! Они говорят на пяти языках аборигеновManyjilyjarra и английский является их вторым языком. Они живут в маленьких деревнях, таких как Джигалонг и Парнгур. Группа Юнкурры родом из Пярнгурра - здесь есть современные дома, школа, поликлиника с медсестрой и магазин. Люди Марту по-прежнему ведут традиционный образ жизни - художники Марту рисуют красивые картины, а Марту добывают еду из пустыни. Женщины и дети обычно охотятся на ящериц и собирают фрукты. Мужчины обычно охотятся на животных, таких как кенгуру, птицы и дикие верблюды. 8 часов вечера. Мы в нашем лагере в пустыне. Разводим костер и готовим верблюжье мясо. Папа Юнкурры делится мясом с людьми. Затем люди рассказывают истории, поют песни, а дядя Юнкурра играет на диджериду. Затем люди рассказывают истории, поют песни, а дядя Юнкурра играет на диджериду. Теперь люди Марту не используют бумеранги и живут в современных домах, но их жизнь сильно отличается от жизни белых австралийцев.

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