
Choose the right answer. it was hot and we decided to walk in the shade/shadow of the wall. the temperature was over 90c degrees in the shade/shadow. she felt as if every pair/couple of eyes in the room was on her. i just need to make a pair/couple of calls. in the morning, with a clean/clear head, she had solved the problem. before hiring sam as a chauffeur they made sure he had a clean/clear driving licence. everybody stood in admiration watching the pack/school/pod of whales on the horizon. the excursion to the valley full of swarms/colonies/armies of butterflies costs a lot. if the bear growls/howls/hisses, it is the sound of warning. the crowd barked/roared/screamed in delight.

Английский язык


It was hot and we decided to walk in the shadow of the wall.
The temperature was over 90C degrees in the shade.
She felt as if every pair of eyes in the room was on her.
I just need to make a couple of calls.
In the morning, with a clear head, she had solved the problem.
Before hiring Sam as a chauffeur they made sure he had a clean driving licence.
Everybody stood in admiration watching the pod of whales on the horizon.
The excursion to the valley full of swarms of butterflies costs a lot.
If the bear growls, it is the sound of warning.
The crowd roared in delight.
летом я путешествовал вместе с мамой и папой. Мы поехали на озеро Жемчужное на три дня. Дорога туда на машине заняла у нас три часа.

На берегу озера мы жили в палатке, которую поставил папа. Вокруг стояло еще много таких палаток, где жили люди. Рядом был лес. Поэтому каждое утро нас будило щебетанье птиц.

Мы ходили с мамой в лес собирать землянику. Я наелся этой ягоды до отвала и еще собрал полное ведерко для мамы. Дома она сварила земляничное варенье.

Еще мы купались в озере, а папа ловил рыбку на удочку. Мне понравилось сидеть рядом с ним и наблюдать за водой.

У нас получилось хорошее путешествие. И я хотел бы, чтобы мы еще раз поехали с родителями в те красивые места.

Перевод: Last summer I traveled with my mother and father. We went to Pearl Lake for three days. It took us three hours to get there by car.

On the shore of the lake we lived in a tent, which was set by my father. There were many more tents around where people lived. There was a forest nearby. Therefore, every morning, we woke up chirping of birds.

We went with mother to the forest to collect strawberries. I ate this berries until my heels and I also collected a full bucket for my mother. At home she made strawberry jam.

We also swam in the lake, and my dad caught a fish for bait. I liked sitting next to him and watching the water.

We made a good trip. And I would like us to go with my parents once again to those beautiful places.
Поставьте сердечко, если

1 A: What do you usually have for breakfast? B: I like to have some scrambled eggs and a piece of toast. 2 A: Have we got everything we need to make the lemon pie? B: Let me see. We've got some flour and a big lemon, but there are no eggs, so we should buy some from the market. 3 A: I'd like some information about the gym's opening hours and fees. B: Certainly. Here's a brochure with all the details you need. 4. A: The new Indian restaurant has never got any free tables! B: I know. It's really popular, but you'll have no trouble if you call to book a table first. 5 A: This pasta sauce is great! What's in it? B: An onion, some garlic and a variety of herbs and spices. 6 A: There aren't any biscuits left. B: There should be some in the top cupboard, why don't you check? ​

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Choose the right answer. it was hot and we decided to walk in the shade/shadow of the wall. the temperature was over 90c degrees in the shade/shadow. she felt as if every pair/couple of eyes in the room was on her. i just need to make a pair/couple of calls. in the morning, with a clean/clear head, she had solved the problem. before hiring sam as a chauffeur they made sure he had a clean/clear driving licence. everybody stood in admiration watching the pack/school/pod of whales on the horizon. the excursion to the valley full of swarms/colonies/armies of butterflies costs a lot. if the bear growls/howls/hisses, it is the sound of warning. the crowd barked/roared/screamed in delight.
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