
Составь и запиши вопросы по образцу. who lives at number 5? miss bell.

Английский язык


Who lives at number 34? Miss Margaret
Who lives at number 52? Mr John
Who kives at number 19? Mr Adiison
Косоногов Иосифовна
Who lives at number 55? Miss Mary
Who lives at number 76? Mr John
Who lives at number 43 ? Miss Ann

I enjoy reading books that deal with history in some way. It can be historical fiction and non-fiction history books. I like history, so to me reading a historical book is like travelling back in time. For example, not so long ago I finished reading Michael Morpurgo's novel "War Horse" which is set before and during World War I.

I also sometimes read fantasy and science-fiction. I have already read a few books by C.S. Lewis, J.K. Rowling, Isaac Asimov and Ray Bradbury.

Я люблю читать книги, которые так или иначе связаны с историей. Это могут быть исторические романы и научно-популярные книги по истории. Мне нравится история, поэтому для меня чтение исторической книги - это как путешествие в Например, не так давно я закончил(а) читать повесть Майкла Морпурго «Боевой конь», действие в которой происходит до и во время Первой мировой войны.

Я также иногда читаю фэнтези и фантастику. Я уже прочитал(а) несколько книг К.С. Льюиса, Дж. К. Роулинг, Айзека Азимова и Рэя Брэдбери.

8. The fisherman (has sold) now all his fish. 9. He (sold) the last one half an hour ago. 10. I (haven't seen) him for three years. 11. I (met) him last week. 12. (Has the newspaper come)? - Yes, Ann is reading it now. 13. (Did you wear) your hair long when you were at school? - Yes, my mother (insisted) on it. 14. He (has not smoked) for two weeks. He is trying to give it up. 15. When (did he arrive)? - He (arrived) at 2.00. 16. (Have you shut) the window? 17. I (read) his books when I was at school. I (enjoyed) them very much. 18. (Have you been) here before? - Yes, I (spent) my holidays here last year. - (Did you have) a good time? - Yes, the sun never stopped shining. 19. The clock is slow. - It isn't slow, it (has stopped). 20. Here is your dress; I (have just mended) it. 21. I (left) home at 8.00 and (got) here at twelve. 22. (Have you had) breakfast yet? - Yes, I (had) it at 8.00. 23. (Did you see) the stars last night? 24. We (have missed) the bus. Now we'll have to walk. 25. The lecture (has just begun). You are a little late. 26. He (broke) his leg in a skiing accident last year. 27. I can't go out because I (have not finished) my work.

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