
переведите и ответьте на вопросы! read again and answer the questions. 1) where's sandra staying? 2) what 's the weather like? 3) what is the doing now? (50 )

Английский язык


Прочитайте еще раз и ответьте на вопросы.
1) где Сандра остановилась?
2) Что за погода?
3) чем сейчас занимаешься?
The person must be intelligent! And if his profession does not need intelligence? And if he could not get an education: there were circumstances? And if the intelligence made him a "black sheep" among employees, friends, family, becomes a hindrance of convergence with other people? No no and one more time no! Intelligence is needed under any circumstances. They need you and those around you. It is very, very important, first of all, in order to live happily for a long time: it was so long! After all, intelligence is identical to moral health, and health is necessary in order to live a long time - not only physically, but mentally and.
In an ancient book it says: "Respect your father and your mother, and will be long-lived on the earth." This applies to all people, and every single person. It wisely. But first, we define what is intelligence, and then - why it is connected with the commandment of longevity. Many believe that an intelligent man - a man well-read, well-educated (and its formation is mainly humanitarian), travels a lot, knows several languages. However, you can have these qualities and not be an intellectual, but you can not have none of this and still be internally intelligent man. In fact, depriving intelligent human memory. Let him forget everything in the world, would not know the classics of literature, will not remember the best works of art, if he can smell out the beauty of nature, to understand the character and personality of the other person, and, realizing help him not to show rudeness, indifference, malice, envy, and adequately appreciate it - that this is a true intellectual.
Intelligence is not just knowledge, but also in the ability to understand one's neighbor. It is a thousand little things: the ability to politely argue modestly behave at the table, the ability to seamlessly (which is invisibly) to help others, protect the environment, do not litter around him - not litter cigarette butts or dirty word, bad ideas (this is also the garbage, yeah also some!). Intelligence - the ability to understand, to perceive, is a tolerant attitude to the world and to people. Intelligence is necessary in itself to develop, train, train mental strength as physical train. And training is possible and necessary under any circumstances. The fact that the training of physical strength helps to longevity - this is understandable. Much less understand that longevity is necessary to train the spiritual and mental strength.
The fact that the malevolent and evil reaction to others, rudeness and lack of understanding of those around us - it is a sign of mental and spiritual weakness, the human inability to live ... Aesthetically insensitive man - unhappy man. A person who is not able to understand the other person, who attributes to him only bad intentions, which always takes offense at others - a man darkens their lives and prevents live. Mental weakness leads to physical weakness. I'm no doctor, but I am convinced of this. Years of experience has convinced me of that. Friendliness and kindness make a person not only physically healthy but also looks beautiful. Yes, it is beautiful ...

У меня много друзей и товарищей: в школе, во дворе, в секции футбола, где я занимаюсь. А Марат среди них – лучший друг. Мы живем с ним в одном дворе и учимся в одном классе. Правда, за одной партой мы с Маратом не сидим. Учителя нас рассаживают, чтобы мы не отвлекали друг друга на уроках.

У моего друга темные волосы, карие глаза. Он худой и немного ниже меня ростом, хотя мы с ним ровесники. Но при этом Марат сильный, выносливый и не жалуется на спортивную форму.

Мы дружим с Маратом уже четыре года. Вместе мы играем в футбол и баскетбол. Ездим на велосипедах на реку и ловим там рыбу. Когда мои родители едут на пикник, то мы берем с собой Марата, и наоборот. Еще мой друг приходит ко мне играть в компьютерные игры и сидеть в Интернете, потому что у него дома Интернет не проведен.

Марат добрый и веселый мальчик, он всегда бодрый и в хорошем настроении. Своими шутками он умеет поднять настроение мне и другим своим товарищам. У Марата хорошо получается рассказывать анекдоты и смешные истории.

Марат остается хорошим другом не только в играх, но и в беде. Поэтому сочинение о настоящем друге я решил написать именно о нем, а не о ком-то другом. Ведь именно этот парень всегда мне, и не только тогда, когда я Часто Марат сам видит, что я сам не могу справиться с чем-то. Тогда он, не дожидаясь спешит или дать полезный совет

I have many friends and comrades in the school, in the courtyard, in the football section, which I do. And Marat among them - the best friend. We live with him in the same yard and learn in the same class. However, we are not sitting with Marat at the same desk. Teacher seated us that we are not distracted by each other in the classroom. My friend's dark hair, brown eyes. It is thin and a little shorter than me, but we had the same age. But while Marat strong, tough and does not complain of physical shape.

We are friends with Marat for four years. Together, we play football and basketball. We go to the river bike and catch fish there. When my parents go on a picnic, we take with us, Marat, and vice versa. Another friend of mine came to me to play computer games and surf the Internet, because it has not carried out the Internet at home. Marat kind and cheerful boy, he was always cheerful and in good spirits. His jokes, he knows how to cheer up me and his other comrades. Marat good at telling jokes and funny stories.Marat is a good friend, not only in games but also in trouble. Therefore, the composition of a true friend, I decided to write it for him, and not someone else. After all, this guy always helped me, and not only when I ask. Marat himself sees often that I myself can not cope with something. He then, without waiting for a request, in a hurry to help, or give useful advice.

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переведите и ответьте на вопросы! read again and answer the questions. 1) where's sandra staying? 2) what 's the weather like? 3) what is the doing now? (50 )
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