
Кому не i’ve booked your flight to slovenia. you (1) ….. (leave) to tuesday 3rd at 8.45 in the morning, so you (2) ….. (arrive) in ljubljana before lunch. someone (3)….. (be) at the airport to meet you. the first meeting is with aleksander presekar, and you (4) ….. (see) him at 1 pm at our local office. he (5) ….. (probably/take) you out to lunch. after lunch you (6) ..… (not/do) anything until 4 pm, so you (7) ….. (have) time to go to the hotel. you (8) ….. (stay) at the intercontinental, which is in a very central location. i (9) ….. (go) to the travel agents to pick up the tickets this afternoon, so i (10) ….. (give) them to you tomorrow.

Английский язык


Are leaving
will arrive
will be
are seeing
will probably take
won't be doing
will have
will be staying
am going
will give
Когда я уеду в свой отпуск мечты, я собираюсь облететь весь мир. Я буду, главным образом, посещать большие города. Возможно я начну свою поездку в Нью-Йорке. Там я надеюсь увидеть Статую Свободы.После я собираюсь полететь в Париж.Я собираюсь увидеть Эйфелеву башню, Лувр и собор Нотр-Дам. Я также собираюсь съесть круассаны.Затем я полечу в Рио-де-Жанейро и Каир. В Рио я буду определенно учиться танцевать самбу. Когда я доберусь до Каира, я собираюсь увидеть реку Нил. Возможно я буду видеть Пирамиды в Гизе.Тогда я собираюсь полететь – в Мельбурн, но вероятно я останусь только несколько дней в городе. Я хочу путешествовать в стране и видеть животных как кенгуру и коалы. После я собираюсь полететь в Tокио. И увидеть традиционный город Киото (Кито). Возможно я примерю там кимоно.Последней страной моей поездки будет Казахстан, потому что это место, где я живу. Я буду рад быть дома снова, потому что “Восточный или Западный является лучшим домом!”

I agree that time, energy, relations and finances are our most valuable assets. They are our assets if we know to handle them wisely in hances  our ability to succeed. Time is the most valuable treasure and it can be lose in vain.

 Relationship are another assets.

Human being a social creatures. We live in a society and it is important to live in a harmony. If we make friendships with the hope of some benefit, we will find that people will have a similar attitude to us. This caind of friendship leads to insecurity and jealousy.  True friendship should be based on manual  support and good will, irrespective of any personal gain.

 Money is anything that is a generally accepted by people in each for the thing this’ll  or the work they do. Another use of money is a story of wealth but we mutant forget the proverb “ money is a rout of evil”. We must manage it and not money manages us.

 Only in this case  money is a treasure.

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Кому не i’ve booked your flight to slovenia. you (1) ….. (leave) to tuesday 3rd at 8.45 in the morning, so you (2) ….. (arrive) in ljubljana before lunch. someone (3)….. (be) at the airport to meet you. the first meeting is with aleksander presekar, and you (4) ….. (see) him at 1 pm at our local office. he (5) ….. (probably/take) you out to lunch. after lunch you (6) ..… (not/do) anything until 4 pm, so you (7) ….. (have) time to go to the hotel. you (8) ….. (stay) at the intercontinental, which is in a very central location. i (9) ….. (go) to the travel agents to pick up the tickets this afternoon, so i (10) ….. (give) them to you tomorrow.
Ваше имя (никнейм)*

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