
When i finished school, i applied to study philosophy at two universities, sheffield, my home town, and london. i didn’t have much hope of getting into london university my school exam results were not brilliant. london university is one of the (high/highly/highlier) appreciated universities in the world therefore, i wanted to be accepted there. but i was lucky and i was accepted there. i (must/had to/should) make two trips to london before i started one for the interview and another to find accommodation. the university provided students with information about flats. by the time the semester began, i (already, to find) a place to live and a roommate. while i was studying, i didn’t think about work and how i (to earn) my living after university. when the time came, i realized that languages had always interested me so i applied several jobs to teach english abroad. obviously, i didn’t have any experience but i thought i had a small chance of (to accept) in the end, a letter came and i felt nervous as i opened it. but the news (to be) good! the letter offered me a job in a swedish school. i knew the winter weather in sweden was cold so i bought some warm clothes. then i had farewell party and everyone wished me good luck in my new life as a teacher. since then i (to have) a lot of jobs in difference countries and i am happy to say that i have enjoyed all of them. but i have wondered many times what (to happen) if that first letter had turned me down

Английский язык


London University is one of the (highly) appreciated universities in the world, therefore, I wanted to be accepted there. But I was lucky and I was accepted there. I (had to) make two trips to London before I started one for the interview and another to find accommodation. The university provided students with information about flats. By the time the semester began, I (had already found) a place to live and a roommate. While I was studying, I didn’t think about work and how I (am earning) my living after university. When the time came, I realized that languages had always interested me so I applied for several jobs to teach English abroad. Obviously, I didn’t have any experience but I thought I had a small chance of (being accepted). In the end, a letter came and I felt nervous as I opened it. But the news (was) good! The letter offered me a job in a Swedish school. I knew the winter weather in Sweden was cold so I bought some warm clothes. Then I had a farewell party and everyone wished me good luck in my new life as a teacher. Since then I (have had) a lot of jobs in different countries and I am happy to say that I have enjoyed all of them. But I have wondered many times what (would have happened) if that first letter had turned me down.

Минеральные воды терапевтического значения имеют умеренную минерализацию в пределах концентраций питьевой воды. Минеральные воды для ванн имеют повышенную минерализацию до 120—150 г/кг.

Основная масса лечебных минеральных вод приурочена к артезианским и адартезианским бассейнам. В верхнем этаже этих структур в областях суши в условиях гумидного климата широко развиты воды без «специфических» компонентов сульфатного и хлоридного состава, реже железистые, радоновые, сероводородные и иногда типа «нафтуся» с высоким содержанием органических веществ. В областях с аридным климатом (Прикаспийская низменность и др.) в верхнем этаже этих структур развиты в основном соленые хлоридно-сульфатные воды без «специфических» компонентов.


I sometimes watch cartoons after school,  before I do my homework. I love Bugs Bunny!

But my favourite programme is a quiz show on  Saturdays. When it's finished my sister changes the channel  to watch her favourite programme.

It's a documentary about life in space.

Sometimes on Saturday evenings my family and I all watch a film together. My dad took his camcorder  on holiday, so last Saturday we watched a DVD of us! It was good fun. Then my parents watched the news .  They watch it every evening.​

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When i finished school, i applied to study philosophy at two universities, sheffield, my home town, and london. i didn’t have much hope of getting into london university my school exam results were not brilliant. london university is one of the (high/highly/highlier) appreciated universities in the world therefore, i wanted to be accepted there. but i was lucky and i was accepted there. i (must/had to/should) make two trips to london before i started one for the interview and another to find accommodation. the university provided students with information about flats. by the time the semester began, i (already, to find) a place to live and a roommate. while i was studying, i didn’t think about work and how i (to earn) my living after university. when the time came, i realized that languages had always interested me so i applied several jobs to teach english abroad. obviously, i didn’t have any experience but i thought i had a small chance of (to accept) in the end, a letter came and i felt nervous as i opened it. but the news (to be) good! the letter offered me a job in a swedish school. i knew the winter weather in sweden was cold so i bought some warm clothes. then i had farewell party and everyone wished me good luck in my new life as a teacher. since then i (to have) a lot of jobs in difference countries and i am happy to say that i have enjoyed all of them. but i have wondered many times what (to happen) if that first letter had turned me down
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Kashtanov Anna