
Напишите небольшое сочинение на языке на тему идеальная школьная форма, заранее оцениваю в 20

Английский язык



I think it’s hard to create an ideal school uniform. First of all, it’s very cold in winter and really very warm in Russia in spring and the beginning of autumn, and school uniform should be perfect for the whole school year. Then comes the question of the materials – it’s of course cheaper to make uniform from modern synthetic materials, than from natural fabrics and wool, but each mother would choose the last variant. At the same time, school uniform should be affordable to each family. If speaking about the design of the ideal school uniform, it should suit every pupil, boy and girl, regardless if he or she attends elementary school or is almost a school graduate.

But I support the idea of school uniform. I like that school uniform is a part of school tradition, and makes you honor your school more. Also I support the idea that pupils should think more about studying, and not about what are they dressed in. Introduction of school uniform can help to ease the gap between the rich and the poor and make pupils treat each other as personalities. 


A. Mystery

B. body

C. documentary

D. summit

E. feat


Mystery - something strange or not known that has not yet been explained or understood(что-то странное или неизвестное, что не было объяснено или понято. Можно перевести как : тайна/секрет/загадка)

Body - the whole physical structure that forms a person or animal(вся физическая структура , формирующая человека или животного. Проще говоря - тело.)

Documentary - a film or television or radio programme that gives facts and information about a subject(фильм или телевизионная/радио программа, которая даёт информацию и факты о предмете.)

Summit - the highest point of a mountain(самая высокая точка горы. Т.е вершина горы) [В этом задании используется именно это значение]


an important formal meeting between leaders of governments from two or more countries(важная официальная встреча между лидерами государств двух или более стран)

Feat - something difficult needing a lot of skill, strength, courage, etc. to achieve it(что-то сложное, требующее немалых навыков, силы, мужества и т.д для достижения этого. Т.е подвиг)

Fear is a very strong feeling that makes us feel uncomfortable. Our brain impels our body to react to fear in many ways. Some of us can`t act at all staying in the place where they were spooked due to the fact our brain sends a kind of signals paralyzing our nervous system. Others, however, start trembling and looking around as if they are looking for help, they squeeze their fists as though they would assault somebody or something. And that is true for people of the sort because their brain injects certain hormones into the blood impelling such people to act to protect themselves from a danger.
        Most of the fears we are exposed to are ingrained in our brains from childhood. We have been scared to death with possible traumas, insecurities and troubles that our parents, friends and close relatives described so brightly. Newspapers and TV have added some terrific stories that can happen to us if we are not careful enough.
       I am sure that the best way to cope any fear one encounters with, - is to do what he or she intends to. There is no other way out of the situation. Only if we try doing what we are planning we will get a chance to shatter any kind of a fear. And be sure, our brain will undoubtedly remember a positive result we achieved. And if a similar situation arises in the future we will not be frightened again, because our brain will analyse the situation and prompt us the best way to deal with it rather than sprinkling adrenaline into our blood.        

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