
1) do you ever get to school / work late? when was the last time? 2) when was the last time you got lost? where were you trying to go? what happened? 3) what makes you get angry? when was the last time you got really angry? 4) when was the last time you got a present? what was it? who was it from? 5) who do you get on with best in your family? is there anybody you don't get on with? 6) what do you think is the best age to get married? why? 7) which problems in your country are getting better? which are getting worse?

Английский язык


Yes, i got to school late when i wole up at 8 AM.The last time was one month ago
2) the last time was when i was 5 years old. i did not try to go somewhere, i just waited my mom. My mom was in the department store near my house with me and she forgot to check where i was, and i got lost.
3)When people do not give back my book, notebooks or just pens.
I really was so angry on friday.
4)I got a present on the new year. it was a sweatshirt. my mom presented it to me.
5) i get on well with my mom. no, i get on with each member of my family
6)i think, the best age to get married is 24-25 years old. because people have finished their study and can have some free time to spend it with their another half and get married.
7) our goverment try attention on the problem of free work' places for ypung people . i think in our country does not have problems which are getting worse
People have been dreaming of a time machine to go back to the past or the future. To some extent attraction to the past meet the ancient buildings, preserved from previous generations. To the Egyptian pyramids and the ruins of ancient Rome and ancient Greece an endless stream of tourists from around the world. Also people throughout its history wanted to learn to fly. Now anyone has the ability to fly as a passenger on the plane. The first man managed to get into the air in a balloon. Sechas a balloon flight allows you to plunge into the past, to know that I experienced many years ago, humans first took to the air. In addition, the height of a pleasure to watch on the surroundings. It is seen in the behavior of the children: they like to climb up on the roof, on the tree to the top of the nearest mountain. But they don't climb the wall bars in the gym or a small ladder, mounted on the Playground
Первоначально полёты на воздушных шарах воспринимались как аттракцион. Однако увлечение ими быстро приобретало популярность, и во многих странах, в т. ч. во Франции, Германии, России и др. , появились клубы любителей воздухоплавания. Устраивались даже соревнования на высоту подъёма, продолжительность и дальность полётов аэростатов с экипажами. Со временем аэростаты стали применять и в практических целях, напр. для перевозки грузов, наблюдения природных явлений (напр. , лесных пожаров, разливов рек) и т. п. Во время 1-й мировой войны воздушные шары использовались для воздушной разведки укреплений противника и передвижения его войск, корректировки артиллерийского огня и даже бомбометания. С развитием авиации в 30—40-х гг. 20 в. популярность воздухоплавания упала. Однако на рубеже 50—60-х гг. интерес к полётам на аэростатах стал быстро расти, гл. обр. благодаря появлению новых материалов для оболочек и более совершенного энергетического и навигационного оборудования. Полёты на аэростатах стали выше и продолжительнее. Неоднократно предпринимались попытки бе кругосветного путешествия на воздушном шаре. Так, в 1978 г. американские воздухоплаватели М. Андерсон, Б. Абруццо и Л. Ньюмен на аэростате «Дабл игл-2» пересекли Атлантический океан за 137 ч 6 мин. В ноябре 1981 г. четверо воздухоплавателей из США и Японии на аэростате «Дабл игл-5» совершили перелёт через Тихий океан, пролетев почти 8330 км за 84 ч. С кон. 80-х гг. всё чаще можно видеть плывущие по небу аэростаты, большие и не очень, порой самой необычной формы и невероятной расцветки. Ежегодно в разных местах проводятся фестивали воздушных шаров, на которые съезжаются любители воздухоплавания из многих стран мира.

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

1) do you ever get to school / work late? when was the last time? 2) when was the last time you got lost? where were you trying to go? what happened? 3) what makes you get angry? when was the last time you got really angry? 4) when was the last time you got a present? what was it? who was it from? 5) who do you get on with best in your family? is there anybody you don't get on with? 6) what do you think is the best age to get married? why? 7) which problems in your country are getting better? which are getting worse?
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