
Вкаком предложении написано что они начали жить в town hall вместе? once there was an old lady, mrs jones, who lived with her cat, mog. mrs jones kept a baker's shop. every morning, mrs jones got up early, and made dough, out of flour and water and sugar and yeast. then she put the dough into pans and set it in front of the fire to rise. mog got up early, too, to catch mice. when he had chased all the mice out of the bakery, he wanted to sit in front of the warm fire. but mrs jones wouldn't let him, because of the loaves and buns there rising in their pans. then mog went to play in the sink. he liked to sit by the tap, hitting the drops with his paw as they fell, and getting water all over his whisker! mrs. jones said, 'you are shaking water all over my pans of buns, just when they are getting nice and big. run along and play outside.' mog was affronted, he put his ears and tail down (when cats are pleased they put their ears and tails up) and went out. it was raining hard. mog sat in the water by the rushing rocky river and looked for fish. but there were no fish in the river, and he got wetter and wetter. at last, mrs. jones put the buns in the oven, opened her door and let mog come inside. as mog sat down by the fire he sneezed nine times. he caught a cold. mrs. joes dried him with a towel and gave him some warm milk with yeast in it. yeast is good for people when they are poorly. then mrs. jones went out shopping. as mog sat dozing in front of the lovely warm fire he was growing bigger and bigger, because the yeast was making him rise. first he grew as big as a sheep, then a donkey, a cart-horse, and a hippopotamus! by now he was too big for mrs. jones's little kitchen, or to get through the door neither. he just burst the walls. when mrs. jones came home with her shopping-bag, her whole house was bulging, swaying. huge whiskers were poking out of the kitchen window, and a paw came out of one bedroom window, an ear out of the other. then the whole house fell down. the people in the town were very astonished. the mayor gave mrs. jones the town hall to live in, but he thought mog was too big, and might not be safe. he let mog live outside the town, up on the mountain. mrs. jones was very sad. she began making a new lot of loaves and buns in the town hall, crying into them so much that the dough was too wet, and very salty. mog walked up the valley between the two mountains. by now he was bigger than an elephant - almost as big as a whale! it had been raining for so long that the river was beginning to flood. mog thought, "if i don't stop that water, all these fine fish will be washed away." so he sat down, plump in the middle of the valley, and he spread himself out like a big, fat cottage loaf. the people in the town had heard the roar of the flood-water, they were very frightened. they all rushed up the mountain, saw mog sitting in the middle of the valley. beyond him was a great lake. the mayor let the best builders make a great dam across the valley, while other people took turns tickling mog under his chin with hay-rakes and brought mog all sorts of nice thing to eat, so they can mog stay there till they built a dam across the valley. mog saved the town, and won a badge which was on a silver chain to go round his neck. so mrs. jones and mog lived happily ever after in the town hall.

Английский язык


11 параграф
начинается с "...the people in the townheard the roar of..."
Больше не смогла придумать,оригинальнееmy favourite sportмой любимый вид спортаeverybody knows that sport is an important part of healthy lifestyle. fortunately, there are many opportunities nowadays to do different types of sports. first of all, we always have lessons of physical education at school. secondly, from the very childhood i attend martial arts, to be precise karate lessons. it’s one of my favourite types of pastime. i’ve had several teachers and all of them were highly professional. another sport that i enjoy is swimming. i’m just an amateur, and i often go to the nearest swimming-pool. luckily in summer i get a chance to swim in the open sea. i’m not the only sport lover in our family. my younger brother is also keen on sport. his favourite sport is tennis and he is really good at it. besides doing sports, i like watching different games on tv. every winter, for example, i watch figure skating, skiing and hockey championships. in summer i enjoy watching football and rowing. besides active games, there are also some other types of games which also refer to sports, among them chess, backgammon, billiards, air hockey, bowling and others. when i have free time i do play these games with my friends. i don’t think there are any types of sport which i don’t like.всем известно, что спорт является важной частью здорового образа жизни. к счастью, в настоящее время есть много возможностей заниматься разными спорта. во-первых, у нас всегда проходят уроки физкультуры в школе. во-вторых, с самого раннего детства я посещаю боевые искусства, точнее уроки каратэ. это один из моих любимых типов времяпрепровождения. у меня было несколько учителей, и все они были высокопрофессиональны. другой спорт, который мне нравится это плавание. я являюсь просто любителем, и я часто хожу в ближайший бассейн. к счастью, летом у меня есть возможность плавать в открытом море. я не единственный любитель спорта в нашей семье. мой младший брат тоже увлекается спортом. его любимый вид спорта - теннис, и он действительно хорош в этом. помимо занятий спортом, я люблю смотреть разные игры по телевизору. каждую зиму, например, я смотрю чемпионаты по фигурному катанию, катанию на лыжах и хоккею. летом я люблю смотреть футбол и греблю. помимо активных игр, есть и другие виды игр, которые также относятся к спорту, среди них шахматы, нарды, бильярд, воздушный хоккей, боулинг и другие. когда у меня есть свободное время, я играю в эти игры со своими друзьями. я не думаю, что есть какие-либо виды спорта, которые мне не нравятся.
Well, let me tell you a few words about my summer holidays. What shall I begin with? Perhaps, I'll tell you about my first visit to the Black Sea resort. Have you ever been to Sochi? It's difficult to imagine, but personally I have never visited Sochi before. I have never been to the Black sea before,either.Can you beleive it? I have visited nearly every country of Europe, but I have never been to our country's resorts. Sochi is fantastic! The climate is mild and the sea is perfect. Would you like to come and join us? I think, you will. If you haven't decided yet where to go, listen to my advice! Visit Sochi! Go to the Black Sea Resort! Visit the Olympic Park! Visit Krasnaya Polyana! Enjoy yourself there! I hope my advice will be of help. I really enjoy my holiday here and I hope that everyone who comes to Sochi will have the same feeling. I'll never forget my stay in Sochi. Do you beleive me?

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Вкаком предложении написано что они начали жить в town hall вместе? once there was an old lady, mrs jones, who lived with her cat, mog. mrs jones kept a baker's shop. every morning, mrs jones got up early, and made dough, out of flour and water and sugar and yeast. then she put the dough into pans and set it in front of the fire to rise. mog got up early, too, to catch mice. when he had chased all the mice out of the bakery, he wanted to sit in front of the warm fire. but mrs jones wouldn't let him, because of the loaves and buns there rising in their pans. then mog went to play in the sink. he liked to sit by the tap, hitting the drops with his paw as they fell, and getting water all over his whisker! mrs. jones said, 'you are shaking water all over my pans of buns, just when they are getting nice and big. run along and play outside.' mog was affronted, he put his ears and tail down (when cats are pleased they put their ears and tails up) and went out. it was raining hard. mog sat in the water by the rushing rocky river and looked for fish. but there were no fish in the river, and he got wetter and wetter. at last, mrs. jones put the buns in the oven, opened her door and let mog come inside. as mog sat down by the fire he sneezed nine times. he caught a cold. mrs. joes dried him with a towel and gave him some warm milk with yeast in it. yeast is good for people when they are poorly. then mrs. jones went out shopping. as mog sat dozing in front of the lovely warm fire he was growing bigger and bigger, because the yeast was making him rise. first he grew as big as a sheep, then a donkey, a cart-horse, and a hippopotamus! by now he was too big for mrs. jones's little kitchen, or to get through the door neither. he just burst the walls. when mrs. jones came home with her shopping-bag, her whole house was bulging, swaying. huge whiskers were poking out of the kitchen window, and a paw came out of one bedroom window, an ear out of the other. then the whole house fell down. the people in the town were very astonished. the mayor gave mrs. jones the town hall to live in, but he thought mog was too big, and might not be safe. he let mog live outside the town, up on the mountain. mrs. jones was very sad. she began making a new lot of loaves and buns in the town hall, crying into them so much that the dough was too wet, and very salty. mog walked up the valley between the two mountains. by now he was bigger than an elephant - almost as big as a whale! it had been raining for so long that the river was beginning to flood. mog thought, "if i don't stop that water, all these fine fish will be washed away." so he sat down, plump in the middle of the valley, and he spread himself out like a big, fat cottage loaf. the people in the town had heard the roar of the flood-water, they were very frightened. they all rushed up the mountain, saw mog sitting in the middle of the valley. beyond him was a great lake. the mayor let the best builders make a great dam across the valley, while other people took turns tickling mog under his chin with hay-rakes and brought mog all sorts of nice thing to eat, so they can mog stay there till they built a dam across the valley. mog saved the town, and won a badge which was on a silver chain to go round his neck. so mrs. jones and mog lived happily ever after in the town hall.
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