Расскажите о фестивале в вашей стране(россии) на . place: (страна, город) date: (дата) festival activites: (традиции фестиваля, что мы на нём делаем) !
there were famous singers and singers,there were dances,laughter and positive sea.
it was fun! when showed this in the"may day life"that was breathtaking!
everyone sang,danced and frolicked!
маевка лайф(фестиваль)
1)there are a lot of apples in the fridge but there are no oranges. so, can you buy some? 2)there isn't much butter and there aren't many bananas.can you go to the shop? 3) '' have you got any cheese or carrots? '''' yes, we have some .'' '' then we can make a tasty salad.''
L. this seemed quite easy the towel. 2. he never dried his hands carefully on 3. my cat liked fish. 4. that sounded funny. 5. the students went to the class every weekday 6. i often saw aeroplanes flying over my house. 7. i could see the aeroplane in the sky. 8. the students were in mr. priestley's study 9. we understood the story quite well. 10. the children ate too many ice cream 11. this artist drew very good pictures. 12. lucille never drank tea in the morning. 13. it wasnot often that hob went to a wedding. 14. that was what hob said.
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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Расскажите о фестивале в вашей стране(россии) на . place: (страна, город) date: (дата) festival activites: (традиции фестиваля, что мы на нём делаем) !
4th of july
may day life
there were famous singers and singers,there were dances,laughter and positive sea.
it was fun! when showed this in the"may day life"that was breathtaking!
everyone sang,danced and frolicked!
маевка лайф(фестиваль)