A zoo is a place where various animals, reptiles, mammals, insects and birds are kept. Sometimes you can see rare species of animals there. Usually zoos don’t contain domestic or farm animals, but sometimes there are children’s areas with such creatures, as donkeys, mini-horses, sheep, geese, pigs, rabbits and even pheasants. These are secluded areas where children can pet and feed animals. A visit to the zoo can be both entertaining and educational Зоопарк является местом, где живут различные животные, рептилии, млекопитающие, насекомые и птицы. Иногда там можно увидеть редких животных. Обычно зоопарки не содержат домашних или сельскохозяйственных животных, но иногда встречаются детские площадки с такими существами, как ослики, мини- лошади, овечки, гуси, свиньи, кролики и даже фазаны. Это отдельные территории, где дети могут погладить животных и покормить их. Посещение зоопарка может быть как развлекательным, так и поучительным.
1. They lived in the country last summer. 2. A black Cat came to their house every night. 3. Because the cat was hungry and didn't have home. 4. the boy came up to the bench with a fish at the end of a long line and put it under the bench where the cat sat. the cat caught the fish, and then the boy caught the line. he pulled and the cat came out from under the bed. after that the boy caught the cat. 5. it was a big black cat. 6. they took the cat to house. 7. they gave him good supper. 8. yes. the cat became their good friend. 9. I think because the cat got a home, and people who cared of him well. the text is about the black cat.
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