Перевести текст: allan hobbs was a very lazy student of school.nobody could make him work or be helpful.he fought with other pupils, was rube to the teachers.one day a letter came to allan's school
Аллан Хоббс был очень ленивым учеником школы.Никто не мог заставить его работать или приносить пользу.Он дрался с другими учениками, хамил учителям...Однажды пришло письмо в школу записывать Аллана...
Our last class celebration 1. our last class celebration by fedorchenko darjya 2. our last class celebration was the new year party. i liked this holiday best of all, because it was magic and funny. 3. we were gathering together and decorating the new year tree for an hour. we decorated it with toys, shiny balls and a beautiful star on the top. 4. first, the snow maiden greeted us. when she was asking us riddles, the other snow maiden came into the classroom. 5. then we recited poems, sang songs and played different games. 6. when we were calling: «father frost! father frost! », he came in. 7. father frost brought presents to us. 8. we were dancing all the evening. 9. finally we congratulated each other. we said, «happy new year! » 10. it was a wonderful party!перевод наш последний праздник с классом . наш последний праздник класса был новый год. мне понравился этот праздник больше всего, потому, что он был волшебный и смешной.3. мы собрались и украшения новогодней елки на час. мы украсил ее игрушки, блестящие шары и красивой звездой на вершине.4. во-первых снегурочка встретил нас. когда она просит нас загадки, другие снегурочка вступил в классе. 5. затем мы читали стихи, пели песни и различных игр.6. когда мы звонили: «дед мороз! дед мороз! », он пришел.7. дед мороз принес нам подарки.8. мы танцевали все вечером.9. и наконец, мы поздравили друг друга. мы уже говорили, «с новым годом! »10. он был участником превосходно!
I. When people (1) disagree with each other, they may have conflicts. Conflicts happen when people have different ideas or (2) values. It is not always possible to (3) prevent conflicts. But we can (4) resolve conflicts by (5) peaceful means means.
II. They don’t get along with each other. It took him many years to get over the death of his parents. I won’t be able to get away from the office before seven. I don’t want to put up with a society that supports smokers. What time did you get back last time?
III. provide - to offer (food, drink, etc.) support - to help by approval, sympathy, or by giving money discovery - finding or learning something confident - a feeling that one can rely on oneself criticize - to indicate the faults of something
IV. 1. My freind said to watch this film. 2. Sasha said to tune in the radio at 7 o'clock the next day. 3. The doctor advised Nick to not eat fat food oane month. 4. The librarian said to Tanya to listen to that story on the radio. 5. My elder sister said to me to not go to that concert.
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Перевести текст: allan hobbs was a very lazy student of school.nobody could make him work or be helpful.he fought with other pupils, was rube to the teachers.one day a letter came to allan's school