I like to do quality shopping in shops and supermarkets. I like to go shopping on my own, with my parents or with friends. I always buy delicious and healthy products in the store, I often buy clothes and beautiful shoes. Today I also go to the store because shopping is my favorite hobby. In the future I think to do shopping with my children and with my wife. Shopping is a fun time. I think that in the future all people will be engaged in shopping regardless of age, namely adults and children.
А на какую тему надо было делать? Если на любую то я сделала на шоппинг. Рада )
Hello, (friend's name)! In my last letter, I wrote to you about how I spent the summer. Summer is over, school days have begun. My first day at school was spent at home, since no one goes to school now, everyone studies remotely. All lessons were conducted in the learning app. We were given tasks, and we performed them. There were not so many lessons, because we were just starting to learn. In all the lessons, we repeated the topics of the previous year. That's how my first day of school went. I'm sorry, but I have to stop writing, because school has started, and I need to prepare for classes. It was your pen pal. Bye!
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Надо перевести рассказ, только не в переводчике! в детстве у меня была любимая игрушка.конечно, у меня было много игрушек, но эту я любила больше всего. это был плюшевый медведь. я таскала его везде с собой.даже ночью я не расставалась с медведем. однажды я потеряла его.я несколько дней плакала и грустила, но он так и не нашелся.родители купили мне нового медведя, но он не заменил моей любимой игрушки. вот несколько лет, я выросла и когда прибиралась в доме, я нашла свою старую, некогда любимую игрушку. на меня нахлынули теплые чувства, я помыла игрушку, придала ему хороший вид и теперь он стоит на видном месте и напоминает мне о моем счастливом детстве.
Once I'd lost it. I cryed and was sad for a few days but teddy wasn't found. My parents bought me a new bear but it didn't replace my favorite toy.
A few years gone and I grew up. When I was tidying up the house, I found my old favorite toy. My feelings were so pleasant. I cleaned toy and gave it a good look. The bear is standing in a prominent place now and it reminds me of my happy childhood.