Эссе это много слова тебе только на англиском я могу по китайские
Первое: Father was watching (to watch) TV at ten o'clock yesterday. I went (to go) to bed at nine o'clock yesterday. I finished (to finish) my homework at nine o'clock yesterday. He was reading (to read) a newspaper when I came (to come) in. He put (to put) on his coat and cap, opened (to open) the door and went (to go) out. We were (to be) in a hurry because only twenty minutes was(to be) left before the beginning of the performance. When I came (to come) to the theatre, my friend already was waiting (to wait) for me. What you were doing (to do) when the accident happened (to happen)? — I was walking (to walk) out of the hospital. He was leaving (to leave) the bank, when the thieves took (to take) his money. At half past four yesterday we were having (to have) dinner.
Второе: 1. This bag doesn't go with these shoes. 2. Prices are going up, as usual. 3. The alarm clock went off at 5:30. 4. Last week he went down with a bad cold. 5. Don't eat that sandwich; I'm sure it went off.
Вроде так.
Вот выбери от сюда-Easter is usually celebrated on Sunday in April or May.It is a holiday of Cristian religion.Christians connect the holiday with the resurrection of Jesus Christ.The celebration owes name and many of customs and symbols to a pagan festival called Eostre.Eostre was the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and sunrise.She got her name from the world east , where the sun rises .Easter come in spring and celebrated the awakening of nature after winter. The egg is a fertility symbol . People color eggs and exchanged them with each other . The rabbit is another symbol of fertility and new life. Children wait for the Easter Bunny who brings Easter eggs and candy in a basket.