
Мне нужно правильное чтение на этих слов, точнее без no new years's day to celebrate no chocolate covered candy hearts to give away no first of spring no song to sing in fact here's just another ordinary day no april rain no flowers bloom no wedding saturday within the month of june but what it is is something true made up of these 3 words that i must say to you i just called to say i love you i just called to say how much i care i just called to say i love you and i mean it from the bottom of my heart no summer's high no warm july no harvest moon to light one tender august night no autumn breeze no falling leaves not even time for birds to fly to southern skies no libra sand no halloween no giving thanks to all the christmas joy you bring but what it is though old so new to fill your heart like no 3 words could ever do. i just called to say i love you

Английский язык



no new years's day to celebrate no chocolate covered candy hearts to give away no first of spring no song to sing in fact here's just another ordinary day no april rain no flowers bloom no wedding saturday within the month of june but what it is is something true made up of these 3 words that i must say to you i just called to say i love you


но нью еарс дэй ту селебрейт,но чоклет коверд кенди хертс ту гив эвэй.но фёрст оф спринг но сонг ту сиг ин фэкт хиарс джаст эназе одинари дэй .но эприл рэин.но флауверс блум.но вэдинг сатэдэй визин зе монс оф джун бат уат ит из .из сомфинг тру мэйд ап оф зис фри вордс.зэт ай маст сэй ту ю ай джаст колд ту сай ай лав ю



This is  book. Book is interesting.

My - friend is funny. His - brother  is funny too.

She makes her - bed in the morning.

My mum has got four - dresses, seven - skirts, six - blouses.

Are there any - flowers in her - garden?

Molly watches TV in the evening.

My aunt is a teacher.


Артикль "A" - неопределенный артикль, который ставится, когда мы в первый раз упоминаем о предмете в тексте, а так же если наш собеседник НЕ знает о чём идёт речь (I bought a new car yesterday - Я купил новую машину вчера (дословно) - наш собеседник ещё не знает о какой машине идёт речь, именно поэтому используем артикль "A" - неопределенный)

Артикль "The" - определенный артикль. Его мы используем, когда мы уже упоминали о данном предмете ранее (I bought a new car yesterday. The car is green. - Я купил машину вчера. Машина зелёная. - так как про машину мы уже упоминали, то во второй раз мы используем уже определенный артикль, потому что наш собеседник ознакомлен и уже слышал про машину).

Когда НЕ используются артикли (это случаи, которые встречаются в вашем вопросе):

Когда существительное во множественном числе Когда есть притяжательное местоимение

(Watch TV - выражение, в котором не нужен артикль перед "TV")

Надеюсь, я понятно объяснила)


Aerial Yoga Benefits

Aerial Yoga will make you more flexible and increase your focus

It will strengthen your muscles and relieve stress

It gives the experience of a wholesome exercise by engaging all your muscles

The method is great for your back, and it eases tension in the spine and hip joints

The exercise is anti-aging and delays the onset of heart problems

It improves blood circulation and detoxifies your system

Aerial yoga stretches and strengthens your body

It will build strength and mobility in your body

It relaxes your body and lifts your spirits

The practice aligns your body and centers your mind

It builds your core and upper body strength

It balances your being and renews your energy

The method brings about harmony and peace to your mind

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Мне нужно правильное чтение на этих слов, точнее без no new years's day to celebrate no chocolate covered candy hearts to give away no first of spring no song to sing in fact here's just another ordinary day no april rain no flowers bloom no wedding saturday within the month of june but what it is is something true made up of these 3 words that i must say to you i just called to say i love you i just called to say how much i care i just called to say i love you and i mean it from the bottom of my heart no summer's high no warm july no harvest moon to light one tender august night no autumn breeze no falling leaves not even time for birds to fly to southern skies no libra sand no halloween no giving thanks to all the christmas joy you bring but what it is though old so new to fill your heart like no 3 words could ever do. i just called to say i love you
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