
Переведите желательно без переводчика, ну или чтоб исходный текст получился связным topical vocabulary ‘sports and games’ let's talk about sport in english. we say sport when we mean this physical activity generally (for example, sport is good for keeping fit) and a sport/sports when we mean a particular kind of sport (for example, athletics is an ancient sport the russian word «спортивный» is usually sports in english: a sports car, a sportsjacket, sports news. people who go in for sport are sportsmen and sportswomen or athletes. if you go in for sport you:  train for a competition (match, game)  compete in a championship  take part in a tournament  set/break records  score points and goals  win or lose (in) the competition  win a prize/a cup  draw the game other people who are important in sport are:  a coach  an instructor  a judge or a referee (in games) athletes compete either individually in teams and crews (in sailing and rowing). we can speak about:  a national team  a school team, etc.  an olympic team sports are practised indoors (indoor sports) and outdoors (outdoor sports). here are some names of special places for practising sport or doing physical exercise:  a gym  a track (a racetrack)  a court  a swimming pool  a ring  a football field  a stadium  sports grounds  an ice rink  school sports grounds some of the popular sports are:  boxing  cycling  rowing  swimming  gymnastics  ice-skating  weightlifting  athletics/track-and-field  high/long jump  downhill/skiing  cross-country skiing  aerobics  working out (in the gym)  wrestling  figure skating  races: a running race a swimming race a horse race a motor race some of the popular games are:  golf  darts  chess  table tennis (ping-pong)  tennis  draughts  snooker  ice hockey  field hockey  rugby (rugger)  badminton  basketball  volleyball  football (soccer) these sports and games are less common:  archery  fencing  climbing  baseball  mountaineering  riding  surfing and windsurfing  sailing/yachting  diving  water polo  water-skiing  martial arts: aikido karate judo taekwondo

Английский язык


Слова по теме: Спорт и игры.
Давайте поговорим о спорте на английском языке. Мы говорим, 'sport', когда речь идет о спорте, как о самой физической деятельности (например, спорт - это хорошо для поддержания формы) и говорим sport/sports, когда мы имеем в виду какой-либо конкретный вид спорта (например, легкая атлетика - это древний спорт).Русское слово "спортивный" обычно 'sports' на английском языке: sports car - спортивный автомобиль, sports jacket - спортивная куртка, sports news - спортивные новости.Людей, которые занимаются спортом, называют спортсменами, или спортсменками или атлетами: 'sportsmen and sportswomen or athletes.'

Если вы увлекаетесь спортом, то вы:
 тренируетесь к соревнованию (матчу, игре)
 принимаете участие в чемпионате
 участвуете в турнире
 устанавливаете/побиваете рекорды
 набираете очки и забиваете голы
 выигрываете или проигрываете в соревновании
 завоёвываете приз или кубок
 заканчиваете игру вничью

Другие люди, которые важны в спорте, это:
 тренер  инструктор
 судья или рефери (в играх)
Спортсмены соревнуются или индивидуально, или в составе групп и экипажей (плавание и гребля).

Мы можем говорить о:
 национальной команде
 школьной команде, и других.
 об Олимпийской сборной
Спортом занимаются в крытых спортивных помещениях и на открытом воздухе (на открытых спортивных площадках).

Вот некоторые из названий специальных мест для спорта  или для тренировки:
 тренажерный зал 
 трек (беговая дорожка)
 корт
 бассейн
 ринг
 футбольное поле
 стадион 
 спортивные площадки
 каток
 школьные спортивные площадки

Некоторые из популярных видов спорта:
 бокс
 велоспорт
 гребля
 плавание
 гимнастика
 конькобежный спорт
 тяжелая атлетика
 атлетика/легкая атлетика
 прыжки в высоту и длину
 горнолыжный спорт
 беговые лыжные гонки
 аэробика
 упражнения в спортзале)
 борьба
 фигурное катание
 гонки: соревнования по бегу
 плавание
 скачки
 мотогонки

Некоторые из популярных игр следующие:
 гольф
 дартс
 шахматы
 настольный теннис (пинг-понг)
 теннис
 шашки
 снукер
 хоккей на льду
 хоккей на траве
 Регби (Регби)
 бадминтон
 баскетбол
 волейбол
 футбол (ам.футбол)

Эти виды спорта и игр менее распространенные:
 стрельба из лука
 фехтование
 скалолазание
 бейсбол
 альпинизм
 спортивная езда
 серфинг и виндсерфинг
 парусный спорт/яхтинг
 дайвинг
 водное поло
 водные лыжы

Боевые искусства:
 айкидо
 каратэ
 дзюдо
 тхэквондо
Something fell  out of that window whilei was standing under it.2      when jane had her saturday job at a  flower shop she sends me flowers.3      dad  paid me very well when  i was  working in his shop in the holidays.4      it.was snowing while we were making the snowman.5      i was leaving the shop and then i saw this picture, so bought it.6      a light rain..was falling when  i.arrived in abilene for the first time.7       i was   writing to you while my  husband.was speaking over the phone. 8. mike did    not see his friend because he was facing the other way. 9. they were watching tv when  the lights went off.     10. she was filling in a  questionnaire when the pen ran out of ink.     11. the winning racing driver  shook the bottle thentook the cork out.  12. we were going down the road at 100 kph when the wheel fell off.   13. he nearly had a heart attack when he saw the bear.   14. jim was on his  hands and knees on the floor. he was looking for his cigarette lighter. 15.   we were  walking along the road for about 20 minutes when a car stopped and the  driver offered us a lift. 16. when i arrived,  everyone was sitting round the table with their mouths full. they were eating. 17.  when i arrived, ann was  waiting for me.she was rather annoyed with me because i was late and she was  waiting for me a very  long time.  
1) mr black's dog doesn't eat fish, does he? 2)tigers are clever than cats, isn't it? 3)the monkey is funnier than the parrot, isn't it? 4)there is monkey in the cage, isn't it? 5)the monkeys couldn't take the toys, do they? 6)you like the monkeys, don't you? 7)you can't take a test today, can you? 8)they aren't in the steet, are they? 9)there aren't any schools in this street, isn't it? 10)her uncle lives in this street, doesn't he?1)jerry isn't a sportsman, is he? 2)the apple is tastier than the banana, isn't it? 3)your friends can't come on sunday, can he? 4)her friends have got an interesting game, haven't they? 5)your sister hasn't go a guinea-pig, has she? 6)we can go, can't we? 7)we can't go now, can we? 8)your grandfather was a worker, wasn't he? 9)mr brown doesn't work here, does he? 10)his aunt spends her holidays in the country, doesn't she?

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Переведите желательно без переводчика, ну или чтоб исходный текст получился связным topical vocabulary ‘sports and games’ let's talk about sport in english. we say sport when we mean this physical activity generally (for example, sport is good for keeping fit) and a sport/sports when we mean a particular kind of sport (for example, athletics is an ancient sport the russian word «спортивный» is usually sports in english: a sports car, a sportsjacket, sports news. people who go in for sport are sportsmen and sportswomen or athletes. if you go in for sport you:  train for a competition (match, game)  compete in a championship  take part in a tournament  set/break records  score points and goals  win or lose (in) the competition  win a prize/a cup  draw the game other people who are important in sport are:  a coach  an instructor  a judge or a referee (in games) athletes compete either individually in teams and crews (in sailing and rowing). we can speak about:  a national team  a school team, etc.  an olympic team sports are practised indoors (indoor sports) and outdoors (outdoor sports). here are some names of special places for practising sport or doing physical exercise:  a gym  a track (a racetrack)  a court  a swimming pool  a ring  a football field  a stadium  sports grounds  an ice rink  school sports grounds some of the popular sports are:  boxing  cycling  rowing  swimming  gymnastics  ice-skating  weightlifting  athletics/track-and-field  high/long jump  downhill/skiing  cross-country skiing  aerobics  working out (in the gym)  wrestling  figure skating  races: a running race a swimming race a horse race a motor race some of the popular games are:  golf  darts  chess  table tennis (ping-pong)  tennis  draughts  snooker  ice hockey  field hockey  rugby (rugger)  badminton  basketball  volleyball  football (soccer) these sports and games are less common:  archery  fencing  climbing  baseball  mountaineering  riding  surfing and windsurfing  sailing/yachting  diving  water polo  water-skiing  martial arts: aikido karate judo taekwondo
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