
Придумать рассказ о любом члене семьи на (желательно с переводом)

Английский язык


Михайлович Гуртовая929
I have a big family. First of all let me introduce myself. My name is Regina. I'm twelve years old. I'm at 6-th grade.There are three kids in our family include me. My elder brother name is Ildar, my younger sister Svetlana. Ildar is twenty-five. He is an engineer in a plant. He graduate University in 21 years. Svetlana is 10 years. She is in 4-th grade. She want to become a doctor. Also we have a pet. It is cat. His name is Timon. It is my favourite cat.My parents are not so old. My father is fifty-one, he is a driver. My Mum is fifty, she works in a library.Also I have grandmother an grandfather. They are both teachers. My grandparents are already retired. They like gardening and spend all their time growing potatoes, tomatoes and so on.Every week we go to the swimming pool.I like to play with my cat. Sometimes I play in different games with my sister Svetlana. Ildar helps me to do home work.Every week we also go shopping and buy fruits, tasty food and, of course, а toy for me.I love my family!

О семьеУ меня большая семья. Прежде всего, позвольте мне представиться самой. Меня зовут Регина. Мне 12 лет. Я учусь в 6-ом классе.В моей семье трое детей, включая меня. Моего старшего брата зовут Ильдар, мою младшую сестру зовут Светлана. Ильдару 25 лет. Он инженер на заводе. Он закончил университет в 21 год. Светлане 10 лет. Она в 4-ом классе. Она хочет стать доктором. Также у нас есть домашнее животное. Это кот. Его зовут Тимон. Это мой любимый кот.Мои родители не так стары. Моему папе 51 год, он шофер. Моей маме 50, она работает в библиотеке.Также у меня есть бабушка и дедушка. Они оба учителя. Они уже на пенсии. Они любят садоводство и проводят все свое время, выращивая картошку, помидоры и другие овощи.Каждую неделю мы ходим в бассейн.Я люблю играть с моим котом. Иногда я играю в разные игры с моей сестрой Светланой. Эльдар мне делать домашнюю работу.Каждую неделю мы также ходим за покупками и покупаем фрукты, вкусную еду и, конечно же, игрушку для меня.Я люблю свою семью!

I'd like to describe picture number three. in the picture we can see a girl playing the piano. The girl is in her teens. she's got long straight dark hair. she's wearing a blue blouse and light blue jeans.

she's sitting on the chair in front of the piano. she's in Music classroom, I suppose. there is a green plant on the piano. there is a bookcase with lots of books next to the girl. The girl is looking at her hands and the piano-keys. She is trying to do her best. I like this picture because it reminds me about my music classes. In my childhood I learnt to play the guitar.


Well, I arrived safely but my luggage didn’t! After many enquiries I found out it was sent to Finland instead of England! Anyway it finally came three days ago and other than that, I have had a great time since I arrived.

The people I stay with are very nice and they've shown me all the local tourist sites. I am treated here exactly like one of the family. I share a room with Penny, the hosts’ daughter, who is my age. Every morning we are waken by her mother with a cup of tea! Fantastic! Yesterday when you phoned me in the morning we were served breakfast in bed.


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