
Extension think of some questions write questions to go with these question tags 't you? isn't it? 3 weren't they? haven't you? is she? 6). didn't she? 7). does he? 8). don't you?

Английский язык


1) You can play a musical instrumet, can't you? 
2)The weather is changing, isn't it? 
3) The accomondation costs were very high, weren't they? 
4) You have English three time a week, haven't you? 
5) Kate isn't a student, is she?
6) Last summer holiday Jill went abroad, didn't she? 
7) Jack doesn't like to eat sweets, does he?
8) You live not far from London, don't you?
1. Artos and his family lived in one of the tribes in Britain.
2. His father looked worried because he knew, that one Saxon king was coming there with a great army.
3. The enemies of Artos and his tribe were Angles and Saxons.
4. Artos' tribe was going to leave their land forever.
5. Artos hated the Angles and the Saxons because they brought war to Britain and were slowly taking all of Britain.
6. At night Artos couldn't sleep, he was thinking about the horrible news of their enemies. While thinking he was playing with the main treasure of their tribe - his father's ring. Then Artos put the ring on his finger, fell asleep and had a very strange dream.

1. Артос и его семья жили на небольшой ферме в одном из племен Британии.
2. Отец выглядел обеспокоенно, потому что знал, что один саксонский король направлялся к ним с большим войском.
3.Враги Артоса и его племени - англы и саксы.
4. Племя Артоса собиралось навсегда покинуть родные места.
5. Артос ненавидел англов и саксов, потому что они принесли войну в Англию и медленно захватывали всю Британию.
6. Ночью Артос не мог спать, он думал об ужасной новости о надвигающихся врагах. Он играл с главным сокровищем своего племени - кольцом отца. Затем Артос надел кольцо на палец, заснул и увидел очень странный сон.
Use the right form of the verbs in brackets 1. They (have been) political rivals for more than 30 years and still are. 2. New York house (has been) his main home for the last forty years. 3. I (miss) you terribly! Where have you (been) all this time? 4. It (was, has been) a long way, I really feel tired. 5. I have always (liked) being near water, and for as long as I can remember. 6. Frank wants to fly. He (has done) this so many times in his mind that he is beginning to think it really (happens). 7, Life (is) very kind to me. 8. I (haven't seen) fireflies since I (was) a kid. 9. I (have noticed) something strange in her lately. 10. We believe you (have been) very busy since you (arrived) in New York. 11. Melanie (has known) the Hills for donkey's years. 12. After all, Nigel always (has been) a bit of a know-it-all. 13. It is quiet in the apartment now that everybody (has left) it. 14. It's strange that they are friends, they have never (shared) the same interests. 15. "I think you had better leave," he said icily. "Before I really lose my temper. I (have just had)enough of you." 16.1 (have always wanted) to look clever, but now at the age of twenty I have to admit that I look like a person who (has never even heard) of Jung or Updike. 17. We (have been seeing) each other fairly steadily for the past year, and when David (asked) me to marry him, last week, there (seemed) no reason to say "no". I (have been) very lonely for a very long time. And so (has) David, ever since his wife (died) seven years ago.

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Extension think of some questions write questions to go with these question tags 't you? isn't it? 3 weren't they? haven't you? is she? 6). didn't she? 7). does he? 8). don't you?
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