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Места для еды в Великобритании.
А. Сэндвич-бары Большинство людей в Великобритании работают в офисах. У них нет времени, чтобы пообедать. Вот почему сэндвич-бары настолько популярны, В сэндвич-барах вы можете купить бутерброды, выпечку, пирожные, безалкогольные напитки, соки и кофе. Затем вы можете съесть свой обед здесь или вернуться с ним на работу.
B. Рестораны Британские люди ходят в рестораны по особым случаям, таким как дни рождения и (1)юбилеи, или на деловых встречах. Люди любят посещать всевозможные рестораны, индийскую, китайскую, итальянскую и мексиканскую кухню, все очень популярны. Британская кухня тоже очень вкусная. В блюда обычно входят свежее мясо или рыба с овощами.
C. Магазины рыбы и чипсов Рыбы и чипсы - это традиционная еда в Англии. Они подают жареную рыбу, покрытую маслом с жареным картофелем. Людям нравится добавлять соль и уксус, горох, томатный кетчуп или карриный соус. В Великобритании есть тысячи магазинов рыбы и чипсов. Местные жители и туристы любят их посещать.
D. Магазины Пироги и Пюре Пирог и пюре - одно из самых традиционных блюд в Британии! Это именно то, что он говорит: мясные пироги с картофельным пюре в соусе из трав. Первый магазин Пирог и Пюре (2) насчитывает двести лет. Сегодня магазины Пирог и Пюре очень простые и дешевые места для еды.
(снизу пометки: 1- особый день, чтобы помнить, 2- вернуться)
People of our planet can’t live without travelling now. Those who live in the country like going to a big city and city-dwellers usually spend their holiday on the beach or in the mountains. People can travel by plane, train, boat, car and on foot.
Traveling by plane is very comfortable and convenient method, but it is difficult to buy tickets. When you travel by plane you don’t spend a lot of time going from one place to another, but it is very dangerous kind of movement. I can say that flying is a thrilling thing.
Some people prefer travelling by boat. It is so wonderful: to feel the fresh sea wind, to hear the cry of the sea-gulls, to see the rise and fall of the waves. Hitch-hiking is one of the most popular kind of movement. It interesting too, because you can see many things in a short time. There is no need to buy tickets.
And also people like to travel on foot. During hikes we can see a lot of interesting places, sometimes we can meet interesting people. There is no need to hurry up. Traveller on foot: lives constantly in present. Tastes differ. That’s why it is up to you to decide which means of travelling you prefer. All means of travelling have their advantages and disadvantages. And everyone choose one according to their possibilities, plans and finance.
And now I would like to tell you about my going to Sochi. This summer we’ve decided to go to the beach. My mother, my father and a small brother and I were so happy because it was a great rest at the seaside. We travelled by train. I can say that with a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined. I like this kind oftravelling. If you want to eat you can have a meal in the dining-car; if you want to sleep you can have a wonderful bed in a sleeper. In Sochi we lived in an excellent hotel. Every day we went to the beach, lie in the sun, swim. In the evenings when the sun was setting I was fond of looking at the waves and the sea-gulls flying over the sea. Sunbathing, jogging, boating, fishing and surfing are the most popular activities. Beach cities are the centres for easygoing life of styles.
There are many places of entertainment in Sochi. We had a lot of excursions. We saw different kinds of trees, flowers and plants. When I spend my holiday travelling I always take a camera with me and take pictures: the sights of a city, views of mountains, lakes, valleys. After such a nice holiday we were glad to return home. East or West, home is best!
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Полная форма слова advert, photo, exam, piano, pro
photo - photography - фотография
exam - examination - экзамен
piano - pianoforte - фортепьяно
pro - professional - профессиональный