
Сочинением по языку на тему моя любимая школа вот образец начала сочинения: hi, my name is i am _ years old. my school is one of the best schools ever.

Английский язык


The most important years in their life a person spends in school. School - this knowledge, the school - it is friends, school - is a childhood ...

My fate brought me to the first school. And I really like that it is the "first". I, as a person involved in sports, I love this figure. After being the first so cool. "Being the first - is to be the best."

Even our school is large and bright. Teachers do their best to make it comfortable in their offices, and we are happy to help them! We have a large library, a cozy dining room and a beautiful auditorium. But, of course, a favorite place of many students - a gym, where you can play your favorite games, as well as a workout.

Женщина-грабитель пошла в банк и дала кассиру отрывок со словами: «Отдай мне все, но не звони в полицию, или я тебя застрелю!» Кассирша была такой Но она так боялась, что Она сказала, что начала класть деньги в бумагу ... очень медленно, и деньги грабителя банка, потому что у нее дрожали руки. Она была, но она начала плакать. Банк нетерпеливый. Женщина-грабитель расстроилась и пошла на улицу в другой банк. Там кассир не так испугался и отдал ей все деньги. Тогда она просто ушла с более чем 300 000 долларов.


Ты не написала что именно я должна была сделать с текстом, по этому я просто перевела

1. Who will have hard before his examinations?
Before what Nick will have hard?
When Nick will have hard?
What Nick will have before his examinations?
2. Who will grow vegetables near the river next year?
What the collective farmers will grow near the river next year?
Where the collective farmers will grow vegetables next year?
When the collective farmers will grow vegetables?
3. Who did find Kate's book in the garden yesterday?
Whose brother did fins Kate's book yesterday?
What did Kates's brother find in the garden yesterday?
Where did Kate's brother find her book yesterday?
When did Kate's brother find her book in the garden?

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Сочинением по языку на тему моя любимая школа вот образец начала сочинения: hi, my name is i am _ years old. my school is one of the best schools ever.
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