
Выберите верный вариант: 1. liza is going / goes to post the letter she has written / wrote. 2. james didn’t go/had gone to the theatre yesterday, as he will take/is taking an exam tomorrow. 3. when you phoned / had phoned we had / were having lbreackfast. 4. how long did you live/have you lived here 5. i (thought /was thinking you had/was having much courage. 6. we are buying/ are going to buy a new music set. 7. we have lived /lived in new york for five years now and i like it a lot. 8. kevin finally sold/had sold his house. 9. we stay / will stay in this resort as long as the weather keeps / will keep fine. 10. morgan worked /had worked harder last year than he does /has done this year.

Английский язык


1 is going, has written
2 didn't go, will take
3 phoned, were
4 have you lived
5 thought, had
6 are going to buy
7 have lived
8 sold
9 stay, will keep
10 worked, has done

1) When will Bill arrive?

2) Won't your mum work late tonight?

3) Will Martin be at school tomorrow?

4) What time will you leave?

5) Will your classmates be in their classroom?

6) What will Matt think of my new hairstyle?

7) Will Mr. and Mrs. Gregson enjoy the concert?

8) Won't you stay there till Sunday?

9) Will you tell me your email address?

10) Will Joe find the hotel?


Future Simple - простое будущее время образуется с вс слова will. В отрицательных предложениях с словом NOT = will not (won't). В вопросах will ставится вначале, но после вопросительного слова.


Представьте, что вы заполнили анкету, чтобы узнать, что люди любили смотреть по телевизору в детстве. Напишите о результатах анкетирования. Используйте времена и настоящее безупречно.

Следуйте плану:

Сколько часов они смотрели телевизор?

Какие их любимые программы?

Какие программы они ненавидели?

Какие программы они напугали?

Какие программы они смотрели после школы / работы?

Какие программы они предпочли по выходным? Проверьте свою работу!

• Следили ли вы за вопросами?

• Вы предоставили реальные статистические данные?

• Вы написали 130–150 слов?

• Проверяли ли вы свою орфографию, пунктуацию и грамматику?

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Выберите верный вариант: 1. liza is going / goes to post the letter she has written / wrote. 2. james didn’t go/had gone to the theatre yesterday, as he will take/is taking an exam tomorrow. 3. when you phoned / had phoned we had / were having lbreackfast. 4. how long did you live/have you lived here 5. i (thought /was thinking you had/was having much courage. 6. we are buying/ are going to buy a new music set. 7. we have lived /lived in new york for five years now and i like it a lot. 8. kevin finally sold/had sold his house. 9. we stay / will stay in this resort as long as the weather keeps / will keep fine. 10. morgan worked /had worked harder last year than he does /has done this year.
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