
Reading read the text given below. match the headings (a-f) with the parts (1-6) of the text. a the first students в staying at the universities c no married teachers d an exciting competition e women students f ancient universities the towns of oxford and cambridge have some of the finest buildings in britain. they are famous for their universities, the oldest in england. all the students live and study in colleges. cambridge has 31 colleges and oxford has 39. oxford's first college started in 1249. cambridge's first college opened in 1281. before the 12th century, people who wanted a good education went to the sorbonne in paris. then, in 1167, all english students in paris moved to oxford. some people say king henry ii told them to move. others say the french threw them out! the students went to study in oxford monasteries and that was the beginning of oxford university. the church was very important in oxford and cambridge for many years. for example, until the 19th century the university teachers were almost like priests and they couldn't marry. women started studying later than men. the first women's college at cambridge opened in 1869 and at oxford in 1878. today, three cambridge colleges and one oxford college are for women only. men and women study together in the others. every year the universities compete in a rowing race over 7 kilometres of the thames. the first race was in 1829 and it became a yearly race in 1839. all the students really want their university to win! people can stay in rooms at oxford and cambridge when the students are on holiday. some rooms are modern but the older rooms are more interesting (and more they often have low ceilings, small windows and a view of the square in the middle of the college. imagine sleeping in the same room as an ex prime minister or eating at the same table as lawrence of arabia!

Английский язык


Перші машини з дистанційним управлінням використовувалися в основному для військових цілей. Radiocontrolled
моторні човни, розроблена німецьким військовим флотом, були використані в Першій світовій війні радіокеровані
бомби та інші пульт дистанційного керування зброю було застосовано у Другій Світовій війні.
Після того, як була закінчена війна, вчені США експериментували, щоб знайти невійськового використання для дистанційного
контроль. В кінці 1940-х автоматичних консервооткрывателей гаража винайдені двері були, і в 1950 році перший телевізор
використовувалися пульти дистанційного управління.
Перший пульт дистанційного керування для телевізора, називається «ледащо», в 1950 році була розроблена Зеніт електроніки
Корпорації. Він використовував кабель, який йшов від телевізора до глядача. Мотор в телевізор експлуатується
в пульта тюнер з дистанційного керування. Хоча клієнтам подобається мати дистанційне керування в телевізорі
вони скаржилися на те, що чоловік спіткнувся про кабель, який валяється на підлозі у вітальні.
Зеніт інженер Юджин Поллі винайшов «Flashmatic», в який був представлений 1955 році і представляв
перший в галузі бездротової пульт дистанційного керування для телевізора. У той час як він вперше ввів поняття бездротової пульт
контролю «Flashmatic» має деякі обмеження. Це було просте пристрій, яке було без схеми захисту
і, якщо в телевізорі сталося, щоб бути в області, в якій сонце світило прямо на нього, глядачі повинні
в труднощі переключенні каналів.

1. this guy in 1980 offered ibm a new operating system. at the time of the os offering, there was no operating system. after signing a contract to provide a new computer operating system, he simply bought from you a little-known firm for 50 thousand dollars. ibm introduced its development. it brought him millions of dollars. who is this risky guy?

2.the man who created two computers alone, which he called the apple i and apple ii. he was inspired by the idea of creating blue boxes for hacking telephone networks. with these boxes, you could make free calls all over the world. in 2002, he founded the company wheels of zeus, which closed in 2006. he is now 68 years old. who is it?

3. he had the idea to say hello at the beginning of a telephone conversation. he perfected incandescent bulbs in 1879. it has more than 1000 inventions. she became an honorary foreign member of the ussr academy of sciences in 1930. who are we talking about?

4. he owns the words: "give me a second point of support, and i will turn our whole world upside down." during the storming of syracuse, he created various devices with the help of which he had long kept the city from the invasion of the roman troops. the onagers created by him bombed the roman soldiers. when the soldiers pressed against the walls of the city hoping that there was safe, the ballistates continued to bombard the soldiers with stones. a device called "claw " grabbed the ships of the enemy troops, raised them high, and threw them, thereby breaking the ships. who was it written about in the annals?

5. this man began to act in films from an early age. his first role was when he was only three months old. at the age of 14, he practiced cha-cha-cha, in the dance competitions he won prizes. from an early age i was engaged in boxing, and from the age of 14 i became interested in kung fu. and at the age of 16 he worked hard at the famous master kung-fu of that time and achieved excellent results. he is better known as an actor. with him in the films were shot chuck norris, jackie chan, bola young. he is the legendary master of martial arts to this day. died at age 33, buried in seattle. who is this martial arts master?

Позавчера я ходила в зоопарк. когда я пришла я восхитилась красотой и сказочностью этого места, столько зверей, птиц, насекомых! мне было интересно рассматривать каждого зверька, чем он питается и в каких условиях живёт. больше всего мне понравилось разглядывать попугая. это слияние разноцветных перьев, красивый жёлтый клюв и умный взгляд поразил меня. в кормушке у попугая были насыпаны смеси зёрен и травы, а в поильнике налита свежая вода. я заметила, что у этой необычной птицы есть тоже небольшая ванна где он может промыть свои пёрышки.вот такая с походом в зоопарк у меня вышла, а главное я узнала много нового про попугая! the day before yesterday i went to the zoo. when i came i admired the beauty and fabulousness of this place, so many animals, birds, insects! i was very interested to consider each animal, what it eats and in what conditions it lives. most of all i liked looking at the parrot. this fusion of multi-colored feathers, a beautiful yellow beak and a clever look struck me. in the trough of a parrot mixtures of grains and grass were poured, and fresh water was poured in the drinking bowl. i noticed that this unusual bird also has a small bath where it can wash its feathers.this is the story of going to the zoo, i came out, and most importantly, i learned a lot about the new parrot!

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Reading read the text given below. match the headings (a-f) with the parts (1-6) of the text. a the first students в staying at the universities c no married teachers d an exciting competition e women students f ancient universities the towns of oxford and cambridge have some of the finest buildings in britain. they are famous for their universities, the oldest in england. all the students live and study in colleges. cambridge has 31 colleges and oxford has 39. oxford's first college started in 1249. cambridge's first college opened in 1281. before the 12th century, people who wanted a good education went to the sorbonne in paris. then, in 1167, all english students in paris moved to oxford. some people say king henry ii told them to move. others say the french threw them out! the students went to study in oxford monasteries and that was the beginning of oxford university. the church was very important in oxford and cambridge for many years. for example, until the 19th century the university teachers were almost like priests and they couldn't marry. women started studying later than men. the first women's college at cambridge opened in 1869 and at oxford in 1878. today, three cambridge colleges and one oxford college are for women only. men and women study together in the others. every year the universities compete in a rowing race over 7 kilometres of the thames. the first race was in 1829 and it became a yearly race in 1839. all the students really want their university to win! people can stay in rooms at oxford and cambridge when the students are on holiday. some rooms are modern but the older rooms are more interesting (and more they often have low ceilings, small windows and a view of the square in the middle of the college. imagine sleeping in the same room as an ex prime minister or eating at the same table as lawrence of arabia!
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