
How (many, much, any) would you like? выбрать слово заранее

Английский язык


How many would you like?
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1. She was alone when her husband entered. He looked around the room in surprise. “What is this?” He asked. - "I moved". She smiled at him. - “The house is not ready yet. You can't do this. ” - "I have already done it". 2. When Molly entered the room, I said: “I brought my old album with stamps. I met your husband on the porch. He asked me to leave it to you. ” 3. “Good afternoon,” he said. “May I see Mary?” “She is not here,” her mother replied. “I had a conversation with her that she didn’t like, and she left.” 4. “I called the doctor,” his sister said, entering the room. When Robert came to his senses, he asked: “You said you called the doctor? Stop it if you can. I am completely healthy. I just can’t imagine why I lost consciousness. ” 5. “Where is he? I have to see him. ” - "He went to the forest." 6. "Father down?" - "Yes." - “He went to the Smiths?” - “Yes.” “What did Mr. Smith say?” “My father did not see him.” 7. She rose from the table. “I have to go lock the gate. It's already dark. ” 8. “Look,” he said, holding the brush in each hand, “that my cousin gave me! He left them on my dresser. ” 9. The boy came out and read the poem in a clear voice. His mother spoke first. “Come here,” she told him. “Who taught you this?” - “I made it up myself,” the boy answered. 10. My clothes are not in the room. They took her away. 11. He picked a flower. “Look what I did,” he said. - “Why did you do that?” - “I don't know.” 12. What did I do to make my father so angry? 13. Then they all went to the dining room and took their seats at the table. “My brother and I already had breakfast,” Meg suddenly exclaimed, “I completely forgot.” 14. Molly, something terrible happened. The neighbors found a baby on the porch. 15. They say that the girl and her aunt sold their house and go somewhere to relatives.

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