
Each and every person wants to have a slim and fit body but only a few people able to maintain a healthy body after following a healthy diet and exercise regularly with growing age there are various hormonal changes that occur in a person body and sedentary lifestyle makes a person deposit fat around bellies waistline and other body parts so get ready to burn those stubborn fats around bellies with the use of holistic bliss keto this is a dexterous weight loss supplement that is incalculably useful in nature and consummates to transform you under 0 days only to maintain your slim body it supplies an abundance of bhb ketones in your body that transforms fat into fuel .

Английский язык



Ꮇужчинᴀ: Ꮇᴏᴦу ᴧи я ᴨᴩиняᴛь ʙᴀɯ ɜᴀᴋᴀɜ?

Энн: Я хᴏᴛᴇᴧᴀ бы бᴏᴧьɯᴏй чиɜбуᴩᴦᴇᴩ, ᴨᴏжᴀᴧуйᴄᴛᴀ.

Ꮇужчинᴀ: Хᴏᴛᴇᴧи бы ʙы чᴛᴏ-нибудь ʙыᴨиᴛь ᴄ ϶ᴛиʍ?

Энн: ᴀᴨᴇᴧьᴄинᴏʙый ᴄᴏᴋ, ᴨᴏжᴀᴧуйᴄᴛᴀ.

Ꮇужчинᴀ: Эᴛᴏ ᴛᴏ, ᴇᴄᴛь иᴧи ʙынᴏᴄ?

Энн: Зᴀбᴇᴩиᴛᴇ, ᴨᴏжᴀᴧуйᴄᴛᴀ.

Ꮇужчинᴀ: Эᴛᴏ 3,89, ᴨᴏжᴀᴧуйᴄᴛᴀ.

Энн: Ᏼᴏᴛ, ᴨᴏжᴀᴧуйᴄᴛᴀ.

Ꮇужчинᴀ: Ꮯᴨᴀᴄибᴏ. Пᴩияᴛнᴏᴦᴏ ᴀᴨᴨᴇᴛиᴛᴀ.

Энн: Ꮯᴨᴀᴄибᴏ.

- Can I help you?

- Yes. I'd like a can of cola.

- A large or a small?

- Or a small, please.

- Would you like anything else?

- Yes. A humburger, please.

- Is that eat in or takeaway?

- I would like to eat in.

- That's 20 pounds.

- Here you are.

- Thanks. Enjoy your meal!

- Thank you.


1. Someone called you when you were away. But I don’t know who. 2. We have been here for half an hour, and the waiter has not yet approached us. 3. Last week they brought three packages. 4. When he was in Moscow, he bought a good book. 5. We just recorded this rule. 6. He always wanted to be a doctor. 7. We did this exercise four times. 8. No one completed their homework. I'm mad at you. 9. How long does he work in this company? For four years now. 10. Recently, he is very tired. He works a lot. 11. When did he go to Karaganda? 12 worked a lot last year and achieved a lot. 13. Where have you been? Do you look like that? 14. Where is Tom? He went to the market. 15. When I was seven, we often went fishing. 16. This year we signed a very important agreement. Who tried this cake? 18. I studied in a simple school and did not attend courses. 19. I helped him prepare, and he passed that exam for EXCELLENT last semester 20. Where did you spend this weekend?

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Each and every person wants to have a slim and fit body but only a few people able to maintain a healthy body after following a healthy diet and exercise regularly with growing age there are various hormonal changes that occur in a person body and sedentary lifestyle makes a person deposit fat around bellies waistline and other body parts so get ready to burn those stubborn fats around bellies with the use of holistic bliss keto this is a dexterous weight loss supplement that is incalculably useful in nature and consummates to transform you under 0 days only to maintain your slim body it supplies an abundance of bhb ketones in your body that transforms fat into fuel .
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