B. now, write new shopping items to go with the container words below.1. a packet of2. a can of3. a tin of4. a jar of5. a bottle of6. a carton of7. a tube of8. a case of9. a jar of
the united states of america is the fourth largest country in the world (after russia, canada, and china). it occupies the southern part of north america and stretches from the pacific to the atlantic ocean. it also includes alaska in the north and hawaii in the pacific ocean. the total area of the country is about nine and a half million square kilometres. the usa borders on canada in the north and on mexico in the south. it also has a seaboarder with russia.
the usa is made up of 50 states and the district of columbia where the capital of the country, washington, is situated. the population of the country is about 250 million.
if we look at the map of the usa, we can see lowlands and mountains. the highest mountains are the rocky mountains, the cordillera, and the sierra nevada. the highest peak is mount mckinley, which is located in alaska.
america's largest rivers are the mississippi, the missouri, the rio grande, and the columbia. the great lakes on the border with canada are the largest and deepest in the usa.
Напиши, где находятся игрушки ларри и лулу, используя подсказки. прочти предложения. образец: попрыгунчик. он под кроватью. 1) - it’s on the table. она на столе. 2) кукла (надевают на руку) - it’s in the toy box. она в коробке для игрушек. 3) кролик - it’s under the table. он под столом. 4) игрушечный солдатик - it’s on the shelf. он на полке. 5) плюшевый мишка - it’s on the bed. он на кровати. 6) лошадь - it’s under the chair. она под стулом. 7) мячик - it’s under the bed. он под кроватью. 8) кукла - it’s on the chair. она на стуле.
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B. now, write new shopping items to go with the container words below.1. a packet of2. a can of3. a tin of4. a jar of5. a bottle of6. a carton of7. a tube of8. a case of9. a jar of
the united states of america is the fourth largest country in the world (after russia, canada, and china). it occupies the southern part of north america and stretches from the pacific to the atlantic ocean. it also includes alaska in the north and hawaii in the pacific ocean. the total area of the country is about nine and a half million square kilometres. the usa borders on canada in the north and on mexico in the south. it also has a seaboarder with russia.
the usa is made up of 50 states and the district of columbia where the capital of the country, washington, is situated. the population of the country is about 250 million.
if we look at the map of the usa, we can see lowlands and mountains. the highest mountains are the rocky mountains, the cordillera, and the sierra nevada. the highest peak is mount mckinley, which is located in alaska.
america's largest rivers are the mississippi, the missouri, the rio grande, and the columbia. the great lakes on the border with canada are the largest and deepest in the usa.