
Объясните в чём смысл этой цитаты, а то мне сочинение надо написать, но мне хотя бы понять о чём эта цитата? you can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation. plato

Английский язык


Вы можете узнать больше о человеке за час игры, чем за год разговора. Платон

Max got up  early. He cleaned his teeth and had breakfast. It was 7.30 a. m., the 1st of September. It was his first day at school. He put on his new school uniform and took flowers for the teacher, made a video of him when he gave the flowers to the teacher. That day he had just a few lessons and came home early. After lunch he went  for a walk with his new friend Anton. They spoke about their first day at school. Then they told each other about their summers. It was late and the new classmates went home. Max said "Goodbye,see you tomorrow". And Anton said " OK, see you bye." Max was tired but happy.

Я не фантазер но попробую)
Hello.My name is (напиши свое имя).I'm(свой возраст на английском).I'm a versatile person.I love to sing and dancing.A lot of time i spend doing this.
Once mom and dad enrolled me in the singing section.For a long time I visited this section, until the day that I shall tell.One day in our school held school activities in which I had to sing a very beautiful song.But at the moment when I started to practice, I lost my voice!I did not know what should I do, because my performance was to begin in 10 minutes.I was afraid to come up and tell the teacher on what happened.In the end, I still took the stage, and I do not know how, but my voice came!And I began to sing more beautifully than in rehearsal.At the end of his speech, everybody stood up from their chairs and started clapping me, as if I had a real singer.
A few months later, I threw my section because of learning problems.But that day I have not forgotten, and will never forget!
Как то так получилось,на что фантазии хватило)Советую перевести если хочешь переписать его.

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Объясните в чём смысл этой цитаты, а то мне сочинение надо написать, но мне хотя бы понять о чём эта цитата? you can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation. plato
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