
Как будет на -а у тебя есть собака? !

Английский язык


Do you have a dog? 
Если питомец, то pet

Упражнение 8.

10. There are no stars in the sky, are there?

Упражнение 9.

1. Ted didn’t come to class yesterday, did he?

2. Our teacher gave us much homework to do, didn't ...? (Кто такой наш учитель he или she? Нельзя такие предложения под разделительный вопрос ставить - задание некорректно, потому что если лицо неизвестно, например, somebody - заменяем его на they, но задающий явно знает, кто наш учитель, потому на Ваш выбор местоимение в данном случае)

3. You didn’t have to lie to her, did you?

4. It snows a lot in Siberia, doesn't it?

5. It never rains in the Gobi, does it?

6. Those are your gloves, aren't they?

7. I am a fool, aren't I?

8. We haven’t met before, have we?

9. He has never been to Jamaica, has he?

10. The Browns will never sell their house, will they?

Упражнение 10.

1. He can cook well, can't he?

2. You can’t buy happiness, can you?

3. Rob must keep his word, mustn't he?

4. You mustn’t smoke here, must you?

5. Let’s start working, shall we?

6. Let’s not argue, shall we?

7. Make him take his words back, won't you?

8. Don’t shout at me, will you?

9. Nothing ever happens to me, does it?

10. Everything depends on the situation, doesn't it?

Упражнение 11.

1. Everyone will be present at the conference, won't they?

2. Nobody has ever thought about it, have they?

3. Something should be done to help them, shouldn’t it?

4. I used to live in this street, didn't I?

5. He never used to drink coffee, did he?

6. We need a new washing-machine, don't we?

7. You needn’t worry about ir, do you?

8. Everyone is informed about it, are they?

9. Nobody phoned me today, did they?

20. No one agrees with him, do they?


The rhinoceros, or the rhino, is a big wild animal. Rhinos live in tropical foresta and swamps of Africa, India and Sumatra.

These animals have big horns. Some rhinos have one horn and other rhinos have two horns.

They eat a lot of grass and plants.

When it is hot, rhinos like to sleep in the shade or lie in the mud.

Носорог — большое дикое животное. Носороги живут в тропических лесах и болотах Африки, Индии и Суматры.

У этих животных большие рога. У некоторых носорогов один рог, а у других носорогов два рога.

Они едят много травы и растений.

Когда жарко, носорогам нравится спать в тени или лежать в грязи.

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Kalugin Vyacheslavovna605