The Film is very interesting. In Narnia children meet a lot of magic creatures (волшебные существа):talking animals ( говорящие животные),elves,gnomes and a White Witch. The Witch is very beautiful , but she is very bad. She wants to be the queen of Narnia , but Narnia has a king. He"s a strong and king lion, Aslan.I recommend to look. Кажется всёё
6 АКТИВИРОВАТЬ Играйте в настоящую и ложную игру. Закажите выражения времени в поле. Следуй инструкциям. Начните с самого последнего. Напишите верные и ложные предложения о своих занятиях, используя выражения времени и глаголы из урока. Прочтите их своему партнеру. Может ли ваш партнер угадать, какие из них верны, а какие - ложны? . сегодня утром, вчера вечером, в субботу, на выходных в году, когда я был молод две недели назад, час назад я встретил известного актера на отдыхе в году. Ложь. Нет, это верно!
1) if i had known that you were ill last week, i`d have gone to see you. 2) tom wouldn't have entered for the examination if he had known that it would be so difficult. 3) it`s good that ann reminded me about tom`s birthday. i would have forgotten if she hadn`t reminded me. 4) i`d have sent you a post card while i was on holiday if i had had your address. 5) we might not have stayed at this hotel if george hadn't recommended it to us.
1) if i knew her number, i would telephone her. 2) i wouln't buy that coat if i were you. 3) i would give you a cigarette if i had one but i`m afraid i haven`t. 4) if you didn't go to bed so late every night, you wouldn`t be so tired all the time. 5) i wouldn`t mind living in england if the weather was better.
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Небольшая критика к фильму ^^хроники нарнии^^ (желательно на )