
Напишите по меня зовут полина, мне 9 лет я люблю бирюзовый и фиолетовый цвет. день прашол как обычно встала, умылась покушала и пошла гулять пришла и покушала умылась посматрела телевизор легла спать !

Английский язык


My name is Pauline, I was 9 years old, I love turquoise and purple. Day prashol as usual got up, washed eat and went
Wander has come and eat washed posmatrela television went to bed
My name is Polina , I am 9 years old , I like turquoise and purple . Day passed as usual , get up , woshed , eat and went for a walk. when I come to the home, i eat , whoshed, whothed TV  and  wont to bed
1. My name is Kate. 
2. I am fourteen (years old). 
3. I'm Russian. I'm from St. Petersburg. 
4. I'm a pupil. 
5. My favourite sport is tennis. 
6. I'm interested in music. 
7. My favourite subject is English. 
8. My father is a (computer) programmer. He isn't interested in politics. 
9. My mother is a dentist. She is interested in art. 
10. We are always busy, but we are very happy to be together. 
11. Whose pen is this? — It is my pen. 
12. Whose book is this? — It is your book. 
13. Whose table is this? — It is my brother's table. 
14. Whose bag is this? — It is my mother's bag. 
15. Whose pencil is this? — It is my mother's pencil. 
1. My name is Katya. 2. I am 14 years old. 3. I Russian. I am from St. Petersburg. 4. I am a student. 5. My favorite sport - tennis. 6. I am interested in music. 7. My favorite subject - English. 8. My dad - a programmer. He is not into politics. 9. My mother - a dentist. She is interested in art. 10. We are always busy, but we are very happy to be together. 11. Whose pen? - This is my pen. 12. Whose book is this? - It is your book. 13. Whose is this table? - It is my brother's table. 14. Whose bag? - This is my mother's bag. 15. Whose is this pencil? - This is my sister's pencil. 16. This is your notebook? - Yes. 17. This is a notebook of your brother? - No this is my notebook. 18. Where is your desk? - He is in the middle of the room. 19. Where is your pen? - She's in my pocket. 20. Where is your book? - She is on the table. 21. Where is your mother? - She's at work. 22. Where is your brother? - He is at school. 23. Where is your sister? - She is at home. 24. Whose is this pencil? - This is my pencil. - Where's my pencil? - He is on the table. 25. Whose watch? - It's my watch. - Where's my watch? - They are on the table.

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Напишите по меня зовут полина, мне 9 лет я люблю бирюзовый и фиолетовый цвет. день прашол как обычно встала, умылась покушала и пошла гулять пришла и покушала умылась посматрела телевизор легла спать !
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