Активный или пассивный залог? 1) the post office tower in london ( build) in 1964 2) it ( build) to make the telephone and television systems of the british capital better
The Post Office Tower was built in London in 1964. It was built to make the telephone and television systems of the British capital better. В обоих случаях пассивный залог т.к. сама башня никаких действий не совершала с:
Tsі Rules vіdpovіdno to the Law of Ukraine "About dorozhnіy ruh" vstanovlyuyut єdiny order on the road Ruhu vsіy teritorії Ukraine.
Osoba, yak target takі minds zobov'yazana negayno zahodіv get used to zabezpechennya BEZPEKA road Ruhu tsіy dіlyantsі on the road that get used vsіh mozhlivih zahodіv to usunennya pereshkod and Yakscho Tse nemozhlivo, poperediti about them іnshih uchasnikіv road Ruhu, povіdomiti pіdrozdіl mіlіtsії, vlasnika road abo upovnovazheny him authority. 1.6Vikoristovuvati roads are not for їh priznachennyam dozvolyaєtsya s urahuvannyam vimog Articles 36-38 Law of Ukraine "On the road avtomobіlnі". 1.7Vodії, pіshohodi that passengers zobov'yazanі Buti Especially uvazhnimi to such kategorіy uchasnikіv road Ruhu, yak dіti people Pokhil vіku that individual s yavnimi Find our іnvalіdnostі. 1.8Obmezhennya in road rusі, krіm peredbachenih tsimi Rules, shaping can Buti zaprovadzhenі zakonodavstvom in the prescribed order. 1.9Individuals SSMSC porushuyut tsі law are vіdpovіdalnіst zgіdno іz zakonodavstvom. 1.10Termіni, scho Tsikh navedenі in Regulation toil TAKE value: Bus - avtomobіl s kіlkіstyu mіsts for sidіnnya bіlshe dev'yati s mіstsem vodіya switching on, yaky for svoєyu konstruktsієyu that obladnannyam priznacheny transported to pasazhirіv that їhnogo luggage іz zabezpechennyam neobhіdnogo comfort that BEZPEKA; controlled-access highway - avtomobіlna road scho: spetsіalno pobudovana i priznachena Ruhu for the agriculture zasobіv not priznachena for v'їzdu to lay teritorіyu abo viїzdu s neї; Got to skin napryamku Ruhu okremі proїznі Chastain, one od vіdokremlenі іnshoї rozdіlyuvalnoyu Smuga; peretinaє not on one road rіvnі INSHI, zalіznichnі i tramvaynі kolії, pіshohіdnі i velosipednі dorіzhki, Roads Ahead aisle tvarin, Got ogorodzhennya on uzbіchchyah i rozdіlyuvalnіy smuzі that obgorodzhena sіtkoyu; Items marked dorozhnіm familiar 5.1 5.1 Mark of "controlled-access highway";
Яне могу понять, это надо вроде бы по тексту делать или фото? я могу дать свои ответы.
1.yes, i'm learning english now 2. i have no friends of friends named boris 3.yes, boris is going shopping now 4.yes 5.yes, he washes the dishes 6.no, it’s not snowing now. 7.no, they do not move to a new house. 8. there was no rain last night. 9.yes, i watched tv last night 10.yes, he had breakfast at 8 a.m. yesterday 11.yes, she will be waiting for me 12.no, a maid will help you 13.no, he will do homework in the afternoon 14.no, i will not work tonight 15.yes, she will help make dinner 16.no 17.no, they did not quarrel 18.yes 19. yes, the secretary is printing my papers 20. yes, i got on the wrong bus
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Активный или пассивный залог? 1) the post office tower in london ( build) in 1964 2) it ( build) to make the telephone and television systems of the british capital better
It was built to make the telephone and television systems of the British capital better.
В обоих случаях пассивный залог т.к. сама башня никаких действий не совершала с: