Недавно я ходила в театр. Там было очень интересно и красиво. Стены были урашенные разными орнаментами. Перед представление прозвенили три звонка и погас свет. На это представление пришло очень много зрителей и все они очень громко хлопали, восхищаясь талантом актёров. В середина представления был не большой антракт, а после него зрители все сели и начали смотреть продолжение. В конце представления все зрители очень громко хлопили а некоторые несли цветы.
I recently went to the theater. It was very interesting and beautiful. The walls weredecorated with various ornaments. Before the presentation of the bell ringer andthree lights went out. On this view it was a lot of viewers and they all clapped loudlyadmiring the talent of the actors. In the middle of the presentation was not a bigintermission and after the audience all sat down and started to watch a sequel. In the late submission of all the spectators loudly flakes and some carrying flowers.
A. A musician has been robbed. His expensive trumpet and clarinet were stolen. They had been kept in his study, which nobody was allowed to enter. Footprints were found on the floor, and traces of someone standing on his/her knees were left in the dust near the desk. His neighbours said they had been out all the week.
B. A summer cottage, belonging to a shop owner has been destroyed. The windows were broken, the furniture was broken too, the floor was covered with dirt and split paint. There was a witness – an old woman who said that she had seen two people in black jumping out of the window on Wednesday night (about 11 p. m.).
C. A 13 – year – old schoolboy has disappeared. Nobody knows where he is, but he has sent his family two messages telling them that he has been kidnapped, but everything is OK with him. He wrote that the kidnappers wanted a ransom (a large sum of money) to set him free.
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Have you got a cat? has james got a rabbit? have your cosins got watches? have you and mark got passports? has you dog got a balll? 1)yes i have 2)no we haven't3)yes, it has4)no he hasn't5)no they haven't
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