
Complete the text with for and since. i've had three different homes since i was born. my family and i lived in a small flat first five years of my life then we moved to a larger one after my second sister was born . my parents have lived there then and don't want to move anywhere else because they love the area. i moved out when i got engaged and i've lived in a small house near the danube last seven years. my husband and i have been married five years now and we're expecting our second child soon. we already have a daughter it was her second birthday yesterday and do we're hoping for a son this time. i've been pregnant february. i've been a professional photographer six years now and i love it . i worked for newsweek years and i've been freelance left i much prefer working for myself although i miss all the fun of working in an office and the gossip of course! my favourite camera is my old nikon 601. i've had it 21 st birthday. i must have taken about twenty thousand photos with it and it still works perfectly !

Английский язык


Complete the text with for and since. I've had three different homes since I was born. My family and I lived in a small flat FOR the first five years of  my life then we moved to a larger one after my second sister was born . My parents have lived there SINCE then and don't want to move anywhere else because they love the area. I moved out When I got engaged and I've lived in a small house near the Danube FOR the last seven years. My husband and I have been married FOR almost five years now and we're expecting our second child soon. We already have a daughter it was her second birthday yesterday and do we're hoping for a son this time. I've been pregnant SINCE February. I've been a professional photographer FOR nearly six years now and I love it . I worked for Newsweek FOR four years and I've been freelance SINCE I left I much prefer working for myself Although I miss all the fun of working in an office and the gossip of course! My favourite camera is my old Nikon 601. I've had it SINCE my 21 st birthday. I must have taken about twenty thousand photos with it and it still works perfectly !
Как ты? У меня были прекрасные выходные. Я ходила в кино в субботу вечером с моими друзьями. Мы смотрели Гарри Поттер и принц-полукровка,фэнтези с Даниелом Рэдклиффом,Рупертом Гринтом и Эммой Уотсон.

Шестой фильм серии Гарри Поттер о том,как Гарри готовится столкнуться лицом к лицу с Волан-де-Мортом. Дамблдор берет Гарри с собой в секретное путешествие,в котором Гарри вступает в борьбу с добром и злом.
Фильм был захватывающий,актерская игра на высоте. Я думаю,он обяззателен к просмотру.
Как насчет тебя? Ходила ли ты в морской парк в выходные?
С любовью
Как переводится

Привет Юлия,

Как дела? У меня был большой weekeng. Я хочу, чтобы в кино в субботу вечером с моим FRENDS. Мы видели Гарри Поттер и Принц-полукровка, фэнтезийный фильм в главной роли Даниель Рэдклифф, Rapert Гринт и Эмма Уотсон.

Шестой фильм из серии Гарри Поттера о Гарри Поттер готовится к лицу с Волдемортом. Domblemore берет Гарри с собой на секретном путешествие, в котором Гарри является свидетелем битвы между добром и злом.

Я нашел фильм захватывающий, и действующие WUS замечательно. Я думаю, что это нужно обязательно осмотреть для всех.

Как насчет тебя? Вы ездили на море в последний раз weekeng?



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Complete the text with for and since. i've had three different homes since i was born. my family and i lived in a small flat first five years of my life then we moved to a larger one after my second sister was born . my parents have lived there then and don't want to move anywhere else because they love the area. i moved out when i got engaged and i've lived in a small house near the danube last seven years. my husband and i have been married five years now and we're expecting our second child soon. we already have a daughter it was her second birthday yesterday and do we're hoping for a son this time. i've been pregnant february. i've been a professional photographer six years now and i love it . i worked for newsweek years and i've been freelance left i much prefer working for myself although i miss all the fun of working in an office and the gossip of course! my favourite camera is my old nikon 601. i've had it 21 st birthday. i must have taken about twenty thousand photos with it and it still works perfectly !
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