
Переведите, , на язык в future perfect continous: к 2017 году люди будут смотреть телевизор уже 70 лет. к следующему лету они будут продавать картины-год девочки не будут планировать вечеринку

Английский язык


By 2017 people will have been watching Television for 70 years.
By next summer they will have been selling pictures for year.
Girls will not have been planning a party.
Если не согласен
It depends on which zoo they are different. When a bad zoo is bad, when a good zoo is good. Folding your opinion you should get rid of anthropocentrism and anthropomorphism of animals. For us, people, the cells are “prison”, this is “non-freedom” and this is a priori bad. But animals are not people. In nature, in general, there is no "freedom", it is a myth like the "pious savage" Rousseau. Under natural conditions, as a rule, the habitat of animals is limited to the territory sandwiched between the same territories of neighboring individuals, and when they try to cross their border, they will be attacked and possibly killed. For some small animals, their aviary in the zoo is many times more free and spacious than where they live in "nature". In many cases, the walls of the cage and the enclosures of the enclosures, they do not keep animals there, no, they protect animals from us here.
Если согласен
I think animals should not be in a zoo, but in their natural environment - nature. Because the zoo isolates animals from their original habitat.
Упражнение 1.

Закончите предложения. Используйте Present Simple или Present Continuous.

1. I WATCH TV every day.

2. They ARE WATCHING cartoons at the moment.

3. She LIKES watching news.

4. Mark IS MAKING NOISE now.

5. They WANT to go to the ballet school.

6. Kate HAS dancing lessons in a club.

7. Our teacher MAKES us do our homework.

8. Our mother MAKES us clean our rooms every day.

9. I WANT to do boxing.

10. My friend IS DOING boxing now.

Упражнение 2.

Закончите предложения. Используйте Present Simple, Past Simple и Future Simple.

1. We often PLAY basketball.

2. I WILL SPEND next holidays very well (хорошо).

3. Tomorrow he WILL SPEND money and BUY a new CD.

4. They WENT abroad last month.

5. We GO to football matches every year.

6. She WENT shopping yesterday evening.

7. He VISITED his grandparents last month.

8. She MAKES cakes every day.

9. They WILL ASK a lot of questions next week.

10. We WILL READ texts at the lesson tomorrow.

Упражнение 3.

Прочитайте текст. Устно переведите его. Перепишите следующий текст в времени (Необходимо найти глаголы в предложениях и употребит их в Past Simple).

On Monday we have five lessons. The first lesson is Russian. At this lesson we write a dictation and do some exercises. Nick goes to the blackboard. He answers well and gets a «five». Pete does not get a «five» because he does not know his lesson. After the second lesson I go to the canteen. I eat a sandwich and drink a cup of tea. I do not drink milk. After school I do not go home at once. I go to the library and change the book. Then I go home!

В понедельник у нас 5 уроков. Первый урок - это русский язык. На этом уроке мы пишем диктант и делаем задания. Ник идёт к доске. Он хорошо отвечает и получает "пять". Пит не получает "пять", потому что он не знает урок. После второго урока я иду в столовую. Я ем сэндвич и пью чашку кофе. Я не пью молоко. После школы я не иду сразу домой. Я иду в библиотеку и меняю книгу. Потом иду домой!

Last Monday we HAD five lessons. The first lesson WAS Russian. At THAT lesson we WROTE a dictation and DID some exercises. Nick WENT to the blackboard. He ANSWERED well and GOT a «five». Pete DIDN'T get a «five» because he DIDN'T know his lesson. After the second lesson I WENT to the canteen. I ATE a sandwich and DRANK a cup of tea. I DIDN'T drink milk. After school I DIDN'T go home at once. I WENT to the library and CHANGED the book. Then I WENT home!

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Переведите, , на язык в future perfect continous: к 2017 году люди будут смотреть телевизор уже 70 лет. к следующему лету они будут продавать картины-год девочки не будут планировать вечеринку
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